January 20, 2025 at 4:21 pm

Cadet School Professor Scared The Class With A Bizarre Prank, So This Student Got Back At Him In The Most Epic Way

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Pexels/Hugo Martínez/Reddit

Some of us are born pranksters, especially when there is psychological debt to be paid.

It’s so satisfying.

There’s nothing like a revenge prank that outdos the original.

See why this particular prankster probably earned Legend status at his cadet school.

How I Out-Psyched My West Point Psych 101 Professor (Mildly)

The first day of Psych 101, my class section filed into the room and sat down.

The Psych professor, a Captain in the US Army, showed up moments later.

He introduced himself, said a few things about the curriculum, and then stopped when a late-arriving cadet entered the room.

We all expected the late-comer to apologize with the standard “No excuse, Sir!” and then take whatever dressing-down he received with the proper degree of military courtesy.

But instead he said, “So what?”

What follows will shock and confuse you.

I can’t quite convey the level of shock that response sparked in the rest of us.

He had just exhibited a degree of disrespect that could literally get him court martialed or made him subject to administrative punishment, get kicked out of West Point, or at the very least earn him enough demerits that he would be marching “punishment tours” for the rest of his cadet career.

The professor responded, “Who the heck do you think you ARE, speaking to a superior officer like that?”

And the cadet yelled back “I was two ******* minutes late! What did it matter?”

The Captain kicked the cadet out of the classroom with a promise to follow up with the cadet’s Tactical Officer.

The professor opened the door and asked the latecomer to return to the room.

It was all a prank.

The cadet had actually been a little early, so the professor arranged a little “tableau” for our benefit.

I was ticked.

He was a jerk for screwing with us, presumably for nothing more than his own amusement.

I eventually forgave him, but I never forgot that first class session.

And the end of the semester provided me with an unexpected opportunity for some petty revenge:

The day of a test, I showed up to class with my roomie’s book tucked under my arm and sat down right in the first row of seats.

The professor handed out the exam booklets.

He glanced at the clock, and said “You may open your tests.”

The room fell into a hush.

That’s when I took out my roommate’s book and carefully tore off its stiff plastic wrapping.

It was LOUD.

The plastic wrap crinkled like a hard candy your grandma handed you in church.

Everyone in the class stared at me.

The professor stared the hardest.

Then he said out loud what everyone else was thinking: “Cadet u/tillerman35, is this the first time you’re opening the textbook for MY CLASS?”

I looked him in the eye and said “Well, yes, Sir. After that stunt you pulled on the first day of class, I didn’t think there was anything worth reading in it.”

Gotcha, Captain!

Before he could toss me out of the classroom on my butt, I reached down and pulled out my actual textbook and said “just kidding, Sir. This is the real one.”

He laughed his butt off when I brought out my actual, heavily annotated and highlighted, text book.

And so, he gave us an extra couple of minutes to make up for the interruption.

We finished our exams, and that was the end of Psych 101.

He did pull me aside after the test was over and said something like “Please don’t pull anything this like that with your other profs, Cadet.”

He said he didn’t want his style of teaching to make me think it would be okay to do the same thing in other classes.

Here is what folks are saying.

A bit crass, but empowering!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Nerves of steel, no doubt!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

He seems to have a talent for timing in comedy. It makes or breaks a joke.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Maybe a little Column A, a little Column B?

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I thought of that, too. But he could be the professor, but not a tutorial leader.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I bet this is a rite of passage in his mind.

Now he is a man.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.