His Wife Wants To Go To Medical School But He Thinks It Will Disrupt Their Lives Too Much
by Matthew Gilligan
Is it ever too late to go to medical school?
Well, I guess it’s technically never too late to do anything you want, but you gotta be realistic about your situation…
Is this guy being too hard on his wife for not encouraging her to pursue her dreams?
Read on and see what you think.
AITA for not supporting my wife?
“I (M44) do not want my wife (F46) to get into medical school. We are in Canada. We are established in each of our careers with two young kids (f3 and b7). We own our home.
I am already the primary caregiver in our house. I do all of the cooking and cleaning and making the lunches for the kids. My wife is good at organizing trips, finances, and appointments. She has some sort of undiagnosed ADD or something that she’s currently getting checked out.
This sounds rough…
My point is is that she can find it difficult to give her attention to me or the kids when she gets hyper focused on something. An example of this might be planning a vacation she’ll just look at her phone or be on the computer until it’s done without interacting with us for days on end.
If she got into med school we would be moved across the country. With my job I would be starting over as a substitute teacher and leaving my continuous contract at a school that I really like. Not sure how my pension would work or be delayed.
I’m worried about moving the kids and having them start over and then having to move again when she goes into residency. I worry that when she’s in med school she’ll hyper focus on it which she’ll need to do and have no time for us.
He has a lot of concerns.
I worry that as she’s starting so late financially it doesn’t even make sense. I worry about the strain on our relationship. I have communicated all these worries to her.
It has always been her dream to be a doctor though! I knew this before I just didn’t think that she was at the point that she would pursue it again at this late stage in our lives.
I want to support her to pursue her dreams, but I really really don’t want to move across the country and then again after that. She says that financially it does make sense if she works until the age of 71 or 72.
She said that she will make time for us. She argues that it’s important for the kids to see someone pursue their dreams. Valid points.
AITA for not supporting her during the interview process and encouraging her to get into medical school?”
Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.
This reader shared their thoughts.
Another individual weighed in.
This Reddit user asked some questions.
Another person said he’s NTA.
This reader agreed.
Sometimes, you gotta be realistic about things…
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