Mystery Shopper Talked About Her Unusual Experience With A Scorned Wife At Enterprise Rent-A-Car. – ‘She was threatening to come behind the counter, grab all the keys.’
by Matthew Gilligan
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a mystery shopper…
And thanks to a TikTokker named Kayla, I got a little taste of that life!
She posted a video and talked about how things didn’t go so well when she went to an Enterprise Rent-A-Car location…and you might be surprised about what happened.
Kayla said that she went to the Enterprise location and a fellow customer was talking to the workers there about her husband cheating on her.
The woman said she knew her husband was cheating on her inside the cars he rented from the company and she wanted to search the cars he has used to get evidence for a divorce.
The workers told the woman they weren’t allowed to give people information about customers and that she should talk to her husband about it.
Kayla said, “She was not having it. She was threatening to come behind the counter, grab all the keys to the cars outside, and unlock them individually until she found something.”
The situation escalated and Kayla said she ended up spending two hours at Enterprise instead of what she thought was going to be a brief mystery shopping endeavor.
And things continued to get crazier!
The other customer threw a chair over the counter and went outside to try to open rental cars to look for proof of her husband’s cheating.
Kayla got fed up with the situation and ended up calling the police because she felt unsafe. Police officers showed up at the Enterprise location and Kayla admitted to the workers that she was a mystery shopper.
She let the employees know that they failed the evaluation.
Kayla said about the other customer, “She was in serious crisis, and no one was doing anything about it.”
Check out the video.
@kaylalaughsoutloud Replying to @rexrrichardson Your Wish Is My Command! 🎩 🪄 Mystery Shop: Did Enterprise Rent A Car Pass or Fail? @Enterprise Rent-A-Car #fyp #mysteryshopping
Here’s what folks had to say on TikTok.
This viewer chimed in.
Another TikTokker spoke up.
And this individual shared a pretty hilarious story.
That went off the rails!
If you liked that story, check out this video about a mom who reveals the inappropriate healthcare questionnaire her 13-year-old daughter got at school.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · auto, car, cars, cheating, enterprise, mystery shopper, mystery shopping, relationships, rental car, rental cars, tiktok, top, video, viral

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