Neighbor Yelled At Kids When They Stood In Her Yard To Get Out Of The Way Of A Car, So The Kids’ Parents Had The Town Install A Sidewalk
by Jayne Elliott
Not all neighborhoods have sidewalks, and if you go for a walk in a neighborhood without a sidewalk, you have to be extra cautious about cars.
In today’s story, a family likes to talk walks in their neighborhood, but one of their neighbors is particularly rude when anyone stands in her yard.
This family found a way to improve the neighborhood that also worked as revenge on the neighbor.
Let’s see what they did.
Don’t walk on your property… You got it.
This one goes back to the previous neighborhood our family lived in.
It was a really nice quiet horse shoe shaped street but it had no sidewalks.
When my wife and I would walk the dogs and our kids, we would have to walk in the street.
This was not a problem unless a car came and we would have the kids step aside into the grass to stay out of the street while the car passed.
One neighbor sounds horrible.
The neighborhood was built in the 80’s and many residents are original owners.
Mostly nice but of course we have some nasty humanoids among them.
One neighbor in particular seems to always have to say something mean when we go by.
(She is a deacon at the church my family goes to and is the type to be religious for face value only).
One day in particular she yelled at us for allowing our kids to step in her grass (while avoiding a car in the road) and I told her that they were just stepping aside until the car passed.
She got overly angry and started spraying a hose at us and screaming like a banshee.
We hurried the kids away and told them that they did nothing wrong and from now on we will walk on the other side of the street.
This is enlightening!
About 2 weeks later, her and her husband got a new shed installed at their house and had to have the property surveyed for it.
As I drove by I noticed something… The front property boundary was about 10′ back from the road. The houses on their side of the street all day a little farther back.
I had a friend who does surveying come out and do our property and sure enough our boundary was about 3′ from the road.
We did some digging through the archives at city hall and found that the neighborhood was permitted and designed to have a sidewalk that ran the length of the horseshoe on her side of the street.
The 10′ right of way was designed to have curbing, grass, and then a sidewalk.
A sidewalk sounds like a good idea.
So I did what any sane person would do in this situation and I contacted the township to have a sidewalk put in.
The township notified all residents of the request and held an open hearing for it during a township meeting.
Most of the neighbors showed up in support of it, most didn’t care, but that nasty woman showed up to protest it and raise all hell.
They don’t even live there anymore.
A month later they began excavating for the sidewalk and when they got to her house, she had planted a big landscape piece with flowers and shrubs and a tree right in the way.
The township told her to remove it, she didn’t, they fined her and removed it themselves.
The best part of the story is that 2 weeks after the sidewalk was finished and in, we listed our house and moved to another neighborhood.
She still makes nasty remarks to my mother at church and we drive by her house while visiting our old neighbors every now and then.
I wonder why they didn’t put in a sidewalk originally.
I prefer walking in neighborhoods that have sidewalks.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
I doubt the neighbor was thankful.
This ex-husband sounds weird.
This lady can relate to the neighbor.
I love this!
Why wouldn’t you walk on the grass?
People are weird sometimes.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · family, kids, malicious compliance, neighbor, neighborhood, picture, reddit, sidewalk, top

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