New Supervisor Was Power Tripping To Secure Her Position In The Store, So Another Employee Devised A Plan To Stop Her Nonsense For Good
by Heide Lazaro
Some people, when given power or authority, choose to abuse it and will do everything to secure their position.
This man shares a story about his new supervisor who did a lot of weird and crazy stuff just because she had the power to do so.
He finally did something to make her ridiculous actions stop before she destroyed the store.
Read the full story below.
We’ve all had bad bosses before, right?
This doesn’t paint me in a great light, but I was 18 or 19 at the time, and a jerk.
About 8 or 9 years ago, I worked retail in a small outdoor goods store (a small staff of 6 members).
Ski stuff in the winter, camping/hiking in the summer.
I wasn’t passionate about it, but a job’s a job!
Meet Lauren…
The woman who hired me left pretty soon after I started.
She got a job that was in the field of her degree, and she left the store in the care of the supervisor at the time, Lauren.
Lauren was the kind of girl we have all had the poor fortune to deal with at some point.
Irresponsible, held power over you when it suited her, and tried painfully hard to be your best friend the next. Annoying at best as a supervisor, but abusive with her power as a manager.
She changed everyone’s schedules and took the easy shifts.
She started by changing people’s shifts, so she was never in the store during peak hours.
She’d take the easy shifts when the store was dead and would spend her time hanging out in the back office doing “important paperwork.”
Read: Sitting on her phone or reading a magazine.
She would hire people she knew.
Then, she’d start hiring her friends as and when they wanted to work.
The staff ended up turning into a conveyor belt of Hot Topic wannabe models.
A few of them were okay, but I remember one of them working a night shift, covering a close for Lauren, and closing early.
He emptied the till and was never being seen again.
Lauren later said she’d only known him a week before hiring him.
But these new hires would suddenly disappear.
The worst thing she did though was abuse the 3-month probation rule.
Off the top of my head, they went through 8 different members of staff over the course of 5 months.
That might not sound a lot, but in a store of 6 employees, it wasn’t a small amount.
A member of staff would be hired, and would be doing great. And then all of a sudden, “I’m sorry we don’t need your services anymore,” and they were gone.
No notice or farewell.
“It’s just not working out.”
Then, vanished.
“I just don’t think you’re the right fit for this role.”
Then, disappeared.
No notice period. Nothing. Just gone.
This man found out that Lauren wanted to steal the manager position of the store.
I found out during one of her “Please like me” spells that the area manager hadn’t actually promoted her to be a full manager yet.
He wanted to make sure she was the best option for the role.
She basically thought that so long as noone else lasted long enough to shine better than her, she’d get the manager role.
And all perks that come with it.
Meet Kirsty…
We then hired a woman called Kirsty, who was in her mid-late 30’s and was a great person.
Enthusiastic, a team player, great with customers.
I mean pretty much exactly what you want in a manager.
However, when it was just me and Lauren, Lauren would go off on how she doesn’t like Kirsty. How she thinks about getting rid of her unless her “attitude” improved.
So, I decided to step in.
He recorded Lauren saying all these bad things about Kirsty.
I got my phone and hit record as Lauren went on another rant later on.
“Here’s the thing Kirsty doesn’t get. I’m in charge! I can fire whoever I want! To be hones, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was taking over from that fat bellend of an area manager we have now in a year.”
I just let her talk, and only responding with “Really?” and “Oh, yeah?”
He sent the video to Kirsty who took the issue up to the area manager.
That night I sent the video to Kirsty, telling her to make sure she was on her best behaviour.
But she ended up taking the issue up with the area manager.
He came to the store, and called Lauren out. He told her that in the time she’d been in charge, the store had lost somewhere in the region of 15’000 – 20’000.
The manager fired Lauren, and Kirsty was the new manager!
They had to get the police involved against her “friend” who stole from the tills.
And our store for some reason had one of the highest turnover rates in the country.
He fired her on the spot.
Kirsty ended up taking over as manager, and the store finally started turning a profit.
It definitely sounds like Lauren deserved to get fired. Let’s find out what others have to say about this on Reddit.
You did the right thing, says this person.
This person also thinks OP did a good job.
Pro-level revenge indeed.
Yup, exactly!
Finally, this person shares their personal thoughts about the matter.
Someone that toxic can kill a business. Good catch!
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · manager, picture, police, pro revenge, record, reddit, retail store, revenge, supervisor, top

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