Holier-Than-Thou Manager Gave An Employee A Hard Time, So They Caught Him Stealing Money And Him Got Fired
by Matthew Gilligan
Isn’t it funny how some Bible-beating Christians end up being the most scandalous, sketchy folks you could ever meet?
It’s sad but true, my friends…
And this story from Reddit illustrates that point perfectly!
But this guy got what was coming to him in the end…
Check out what happened in the story below!
God sees you stealing from the cash register.
“During college, I had a part-time job in a men’s clothing store.
I’ve always been a good salesman, and I was doing a really good job with sales numbers. We didn’t work on commission, but we got credit in the eyes of the manager if we were responsible for the most sales.
These folks weren’t playing around.
The assistant manager was a friend of his. A young guy who went to the same church. And when I say church, I should use the capital C: They were serious Born Agains. We weren’t allowed to play rock music in the store (except for the Christian Rap music the assistant manager would bring in) because it would cause “un-Christian feelings.”
The two of them would periodically listen to a religious talk radio show that was pre-Rush Limbaugh, but was in the same vein. And they would listen to it over the store speakers.
But that was the price of doing business, I figured. I put up with it. What I couldn’t put up with was the emotional bullying from the assistant manager. He was younger than me, and figured because he was an assistant and I was a part-timer, that he was more successful than I was.
Sounds like a really nice guy!
Plus, he seemed to resent that I was going to college and he wasn’t. He made sure to mention it in a snide way whenever he could. Things like: “I would have thought a college-boy like you would know how to do this [ menial task ]”.
At the end of every night, we had to close out the cash register. This was in the early ’90s, so the cash register had to be manually balanced with the receipt tape, and then the amounts had to be sent to corporate via a dial-up connection we had in the office.
If we were off by a penny, we had to account for it — tracking down each transaction and determining if the balance difference was because of one sale or another. Sometimes, if the manager was closing out, he’d make up any difference out of his own pocket. The difference was never more than a few dollars, sometimes a 5.
And then, after a year of doing this, the difference in the bank deposits came to an amount that caught corporate’s eye, as the manager wasn’t always on shift and able to cover the difference. Over the period of 12 months, a few hundred dollars had gone missing, in all very small amounts.
It was time to find out what was really going on.
So, without telling anyone, corporate and the manager installed a security camera above the cash register.
A few days later, they fired the assistant manager. The tape clearly showed him grabbing a 5 out of the cash register. Presumably to go grab some lunch at the place across the hallway in the mall. He sure loved those noodles.
On the day before he was fired, we’d gotten into an argument out on the floor, in front of customers. I forget what it was, but he didn’t approve of the non-Biblical manner in which I was living my life.
Funny how that works!
It could have been anything — I mean, I’ve always been a sinner. The end result of the argument was him loudly proclaiming that GOD was ALWAYS watching me, and that I’ll receive JUDGEMENT.
Perhaps God was the petty one here. I still enjoyed hearing how he was caught.”
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
One person chimed in.
Another Reddit user was impressed.
This individual shared a story.
Another reader weighed in.
And this person had a lot to say.
This guy doesn’t sound very Christian to me!
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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