Woman Dislikes Her Friend’s Boyfriend So Much That She Refuses To Go To Her House When He’s There. So When She Tries To Trick Her Into Hanging Out With Him, She Leaves Immediately.
by Jayne Elliott
If you thought your friend was in a really bad relationship, what would you do?
Would you pretend like everything was fine and be nice to the significant other, or would you refuse to be around the significant other and urge your friend to end the relationship?
In today’s story, one woman chooses the second option, and now her friend isn’t talking to her.
Let’s see how the drama escalates…
AITA for leaving my best friend’s dinner after she lied about her boyfriend being there?
I’ve known my friend for almost 14 years.
We met at a baby/mama yoga class, hit it off right away, and our kids have been friends ever since.
Over the years, my friend went through an affair, a divorce, and later got pregnant by the guy she had the affair with.
They’ve been together since, but he has never fully committed to her, lives in a different city, and provides minimal financial or parental support for their child.
She doesn’t like her friend’s boyfriend.
When I first met him with my husband, we tried to be accepting and build a relationship with him.
However, over time, my relationship with him has deteriorated because he treats her poorly, and it breaks my heart to see her go through all the pain he’s causing her.
She constantly complains about how unhappy she is in the relationship, but seems paralyzed and afraid to leave, even though she knows she is in a very unhealthy relationship.
I don’t really like him anymore and I’ve expressed these feelings to my friend over and over.
I’ve told her that my husband and I wouldn’t be going on any couple dates with them any longer because we didn’t agree with the way he was treating her.
They wanted to avoid seeing the boyfriend.
Last week, my friend invited our family for Sunday dinner and asked us to bring appetizers and dessert.
We were looking forward to spending time together.
However, knowing that her boyfriend might be there, I asked her about it.
She assured me he wouldn’t be present.
But when we arrived, he was standing outside on her porch.
It doesn’t seem like this guy is ever going to leave.
She had texted me earlier in the day saying he would be gone by the time we arrived, but then texted again when we were on our way saying he was still there.
I told her we wouldn’t come until he left and returned home.
An hour later, her son texted my daughter saying he was gone and that we could come over.
But when we got to her house, there he was.
She called her friend out on lying.
I texted her asking why she lied to me.
She said it was a misunderstanding, not a lie.
I told her I didn’t want to interact with him and that it was better for us to leave.
She said I was putting her in an uncomfortable position and that she had dropped hints all day that she didn’t want him there.
I reminded her that when she invited us, I made it clear I didn’t want to see him.
I told her maybe she shouldn’t have invited us if he was going to be there.
She’s wondering if she was wrong for leaving.
In the end, we left, upset about the whole situation.
But I got even more frustrated when her son texted my daughter saying my friend was crying and that we were being immature.
Since then she hasn’t reached out.
Her mom did to try to justify what had happened, but I still have not heard back from her since Sunday.
So, AITA here, or is she at fault for letting this situation become such a mess?
Thanks for the feedback.
It seems like she’s trying to motivate her friend to end this bad relationship by using tough love.
Her friend is definitely not going to like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader is on her side.
The friend shouldn’t have brought the kids into it.
Her friend is the one who messed up.
It might be best to keep this friend at a distance.
Seriously, she doesn’t sound like a great friend.
Her friend needs to respect her boundaries.
And dump that dude.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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