After His Boss Accused Him Of Trying To Steal Tips From Other Employees, This Assistant-Manager Plotted Revenge That Wound Up Getting The Manager Fired
by Michael Levanduski
Working a part time job is a great way to earn some extra money without having the stress of your full time job that you rely on to make ends meet.
What would you do if you had a job like this, but the manager was not only incompetent but also may have been stealing from the employees?
That is what happened to the man in this story, so he plotted with one of the employees to set him up to get fired.
Check it out.
Hangry Howard’s
About a year ago I was working part time as a server and needed to look for some extra work as the busy season had slowed down and I needed to make more consistent money.
I wasn’t looking incredibly seriously as me and my girlfriend lived in a condo owned by her parents and i had virtually no bills.
One night me and my girlfriend go to get dinner from relatively well known pizza chain near us.
Inside they had help wanted flyers practically spilling onto the floor.
As I had multiple years of food service under my belt I figured i wouldn’t be an awful choice for some extra part time hours.
I mentioned to the manager that i was interested and would drop off an application the next day as I was dressed to go pick up pizza.
Which means a dirty t shirt with my dogs hair on it, sweatpants and flip flops.
Obviously not interview attire.
We take our pizza and leave and the manager actually follows me into the parking lot practically begging for me to just do the interview with him them.
I thought it was weird but didn’t think anything else of it ended up getting hired.
Now to give some backstory when I say I have food service experience I mean I have years of management experience all the way up to Assist Store Manager for multiple fast food restaurants.
The reason I didn’t apply for a higher level job was as I said money wasn’t really a huge issue for me, and at the time I was just coasting and saving money to move out of state.
After starting it became very clear that my boss who we will call Howard had absolutely zero idea what he was doing.
This should get the restaurant shut down.
It started off with the restaurant having zero daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning duties, which if you worked fast food you know is an absolute necessity.
He would consistently not have the answers to questions I had and direct me to other employees.
Simple questions like which side of the oven a specific pizza goes in.
And would smoke a cigarette every 20 minutes.
The fact that the store had been open less than a year and was already in disarray speaks to how things were being run.
I would come to find out he was a janitor (or custodial engineer as he like to say) previously and had ZERO food service experience, and somehow got hired to be the General Manager.
I saw this as an opportunity for me to get paid a little bit more for doing the same work I would inevitably end up doing.
I offered to be his assistant manager as he had no one in his store who wanted to do it and he had already asked me previously.
On the condition that it stay part time because I really liked my serving job and didn’t want to give it up.
I told him that I would spend the time teaching him the behind the scenes stuff that fast food training doesn’t put in manuals or online tests.
How to effectively make schedules, how to make weekly cleaning charts, weekly build to orders for shipments, things like that.
Then when busy season at the other job started he could hire a full time assistant.
He delightfully agreed.
Me and Howard were the only two managers at that store with 2 drivers and 5 employees other than that.
So much for just working a few hours.
He would schedule me two open to close shifts in a row on his two days off so he could keep them every week, and would justify it by saying he worked open to closes on the days I wasn’t there since a manager has to be there to handle any of the cash from the safe.
He never worked a single double shift.
I worked this for a couple of weeks and within that time literally EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE except for me, Howard and a driver we will call Jeff had quit and we had hired new people.
Me and Jeff got along swimmingly as we both were stoners into the same music and fairly laid back.
We also loved to talk about Howard.
He was also Howard’s next door neighbor and sold him some weed on occasion. So he had all the dirt all the time.
It became clear to me that there was some money issue going on somewhere as we were getting way more tips at the front counter from credit cards on reports than cash going into the tip bag for employees.
This wasn’t the easiest catch since he would save the tips up for two weeks to distribute them to employees on the weeks opposite of payday.
However with the store being an unorganized mess it was hard to know if it was money being stolen or just simply numbers being put into the system incorrectly.
One particular night I was closing the store and was having some issues balancing the drawers and the numbers weren’t adding up.
I called Howard who picked up with a hiccup and a slew of slurred words.
I explained to him the problem I was having and he tried to walk me through it but was either too drunk or more likely just didn’t know the answer to my question.
I told him I would call his boss who I had met a couple times and had mentioned if I ever had questions to call him.
Something is really shady here.
Howard immediately freaked out and said “don’t do that they don’t want anyone to know how to work the numbers on the point of sale, otherwise they will try and steal money.”
Knowing that was an asinine response I said that makes zero sense how am I supposed to fix the problem if I don’t know how it works.
Then he said the words that started the snowball that would come crashing down on his whole life.
He told me “Listen, you are asking too many questions about the cash, it makes you look really suspicious like your the one stealing money.”
I told him whatever I would leave everything the way it was and he could fix it the next morning. Or try at least.
I had to be careful because in food service if stealing money even comes into question most places will just fire you since they can hire any zit covered kid to replace you.
Being called a thief is quite an accusation.
Because of this and just my morals really being called a thief is the one thing I do not stand for.
So, I hatched a plan with Jeff who sided completely with me and had his suspicions for a while about him.
Jeff knew that he was an alcoholic who could never turn down a night at the karaoke bar.
Now Howard was interesting because with how incompetent he was he still tried to be the biggest people pleaser I’ve ever met.
But in like a lonely and desperate way.
He had practically begged me multiple times for us to go drinking together or to come smoke with me at my house.
Keep in mind I am 24 and he was 32 with a wife and two kids at home.
We decided to both Invite him out to a night of karaoke the night before he had a big meeting with his boss and the VP of training for the whole company.
Off course since me and jeff both invited him he couldn’t say no.
I actually ended up having a good time that night.
That is quite a night.
Not because Howard was good company. Because my plan involved me buying Howard at least 7 jäger bombs, a double shot of patron and a lot of beer and I had to drink a fair share to not look suspicious.
What a burden I know.
My girlfriend, who was DDing, for us dropped him off at home around 5:30 in the morning after a rather long smoke session at my house suggested by me of course.
Needless to say he did not show up to work the next day.
He called and told his boss who was already at the store that his kid needed to go to the hospital the night before and that he was still in the ER.
They called me around 11 am to come in and cover his shift.
When I got there I asked Howard’s boss why he called out and when he told me the reason I said.
“Really well I stopped by that karaoke bar last night for a few hours and he was there, I wonder why he took him in and not his wife?”
And showed him a picture of an obviously messed up Howard and myself.
They ended up firing Howard within 30 minutes and had offered me his position as I had more experience than him anyways, and was already practically running the store and had completely taken over training new employees.
It was still nice to be offered I bet.
I would have been perfectly content with him getting fired, i never imagined to have been offered his job, I was blown away.
However I still didn’t accept the job as i didn’t want stress level the job came with.
They say the best gifts keep giving, well so do the best revenge plots.
Howard had his wife kick him out, ask for a divorce and full custody of his kids.
He went over to Jeff’s house and sobbed and cried cursing me for ruining his life just so I could take his job from him.
I would have given anything to have been a fly on the wall to see the look on his face when Jeff told him that I didn’t take it and quit the job shortly after.
This guy sounds like a mess, and he needs to clean up his act or he will never find success.
Read on to see what the people in the comments think of this story.
Hopefully a new manager can turn things around.
Yeah, I think that is exactly what it was.
This person says the chain should have stepped in to address the problem.
A bad manager can ruin a restaurant.
Everyone who has ever worked at one knows the truth of that.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · assistant manager, fired, food service, incompetent manager, job loss, managers, part time job, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top

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