February 4, 2025 at 10:51 pm

Guy Waits In Line At The Vet With His Mom’s Cats, But When He Reaches The Front Desk A Woman Who Had Been “Waiting In Her Car” Accuses Him Of Cutting In Line

by Kyra Piperides

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/freestocks.org

Standing in line is a contentious thing.

In some cultures, like the UK for example, queueing is an accepted cultural norm.

In other places, whoever can get to the front – sometimes by whatever means necessary – gets served first.

It’s not a civilized way of doing business, but it can be pretty effective.

But when the rules aren’t clear, there’s room for confusion and confrontation – as the person in this story found out to their detriment.

Read on to find out what happened.

AITA for choosing a physical line over when people arrived?

This morning my mom and I took her two cats to the vet.

The vet that we use is a walk in only business.

You cannot make appointments except for surgeries.

We have been using this vet for several years, and I have been there recently with my own cat.

When we got there 40 min before it opened there was no physical line but several people sitting in their cars.

This is not unusual.

What has happened literally every other time I have been there is that people wait in their cars until one person gets in line then everyone usually zooms to get their spot.

Then we all wait until the place opens.

Read on to find out how this situation took a turn for the worse.

We were waiting in our car for about 20 minutes before someone got out of their car and got in line.

Seeing that, I followed suit, leaving my mom and animals in the car (making me second in line).

After another 5 or so minutes, some of the other people (3 different people) got out of their cars and said loudly “well we should be going with who ACTUALLY arrived first.”

Then proceeded to label where they thought everyone should be (putting me 5th).

I didn’t say anything, because that sounded like nonsense to me.

They all stood off to the side and waited.

Meanwhile, more people began to show up and get in line behind me and the first person.

The group didn’t say anything to them just talked amongst themselves.

Uh-oh. Let’s see how this impending drama went down.

When the doors open, they take three people at a time.

The lady in line in front of me went in, a lady from the big group went in too, and then I was going in as well.

As I tried to walk, in one of the people in the group said, “excuse me I was here before you.”

I stated that I was in line before her and was going in. She got angry, but I went in anyway.

As I was trying to check in, the woman from the group that had made it inside tried to tell the employees that I had cut in front of someone, and I once again stated I had been in line before her.

The employees told us that everyone would be seen and it would be fine.

Let’s find out how this person reacted.

I feel a little guilty, but my logic was that I could have slept in my car in the parking lot but if I didn’t get in line than that wouldn’t have meant I got to cut ahead of everyone.

That isn’t how the system works. I have arrived first on previous visits but not made it in line first.

No one has ever pitched a fit about line vs arrival order before.


It’s easy to see this from both sides – sure, the people who arrived first would think they should be seen first.

Similarly, the people who got in the queue first clearly would think they would be first to be seen, too.

It’s really up to the vets to make this right by imposing a clear system.

Let’s see what folks over on Reddit thought about this.

This person agreed that if anyone is the problem, it’s the vets themselves.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While many others agreed that, with no direction from the vets, queueing is the only logical approach.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person figured that everyone shared the blame in this scenario.

Source: Reddit/AITA

When there’s no rules to follow, there’s always going to be drama.

Especially when sentimental things like your pet’s care is involved.

But this guy queued and was polite about it all – it’s not his fault that there was no system.

He didn’t deserve to be spoken to like that.

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