Impatient Customer Complains About Waiting To Buy A Can Of Coke, So The Cashier Shakes It Up Before Handing It Over
by Heather Hall
Rude customers can be the absolute worst, especially when they act like waiting a few seconds is the greatest inconvenience of their lives.
So, what would you do if someone gave you attitude for something completely trivial?
Would you brush it off and move on with your day?
Or would you use the perfect distraction to teach them a lesson?
In today’s story, one cashier finds himself in this very predicament and seizes his opportunity.
Here’s how it played out.
Rude Customer
I worked at a small country store for a while.
I was low on cash in my register, so I went to the safe to get more.
As I walked back, a customer walked to the counter to check out. I literally ran to the front so the guy wouldn’t have to wait.
All he was buying was a can of Coke.
When I got to the register, the man scoffed and made a comment about waiting.
Laid his payment on the counter and wouldn’t say anything.
Dude literally waited less than a minute.
Lucky for them, a loud truck caused a distraction.
As I was giving his change, a loud truck rode by the store, and the guy looked out the window.
I took the opportunity to give the can of Coke 2 quick shakes and handed it to him.
He walked out, got in his car, opened the can, and well, got Coke all over himself and his front seat.
That guy must’ve been so mad.
Let’s see what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about impatient people.
This would be epic!
We can only hope.
It definitely was some quick thinking.
Here’s someone else who had a soda explosion.
There’s nothing worse than spilling soda all over yourself, but then your car, too – that’s the worst!
That’s what he gets for being rude!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · coke, funny prank, mess, petty revenge, picture, reddit, Rude customer, soda, top

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