Her Sister-In-Law And Brother Went Ballistic After They Thought They Were Shorted Leftovers. Now They’re Banned From Future Family Gatherings At Their Home.
by Trisha Leigh
Most people are willing to forgive transgressions, especially when it was a misunderstanding or family is involved.
That said, forgetting the hurtful things that were said and done isn’t always as easy.
This woman’s feelings were hurt after her sister-in-law lost it over some leftovers, and now she doesn’t want to be around her anymore.
Read the whole story and see whether or not you think she’s overreacting.
AITA for not inviting my brother and SIL over because of what happened at the last family gathering?
At our last big family gathering (which included extended family) there was an argument between myself and my brother’s wife.
I was in charge of making up leftover plates for anyone to take home if they wanted.
I gave John (my brother) and Lucy (his wife) 3 plates of food including the leftovers of the dishes they brought with them.
I gave them to John to put in his cooler in his car before they left.
Except they never made it home.
The next day, I got a call from Lucy asking if I gave my brother the food, which I said I did.
She told me there was only one plate that was half empty instead of the 3 plates and 2 tupperware boxes I had actually given my brother.
I was confused and said John took them off the counter so ask him.
When her brother denied what happened, her sister-in-law said some things she can’t take back.
Well, John told Lucy I had ‘refused’ to give them the extra food and kept it for myself.
Lucy was not pleased by this and told everyone in our family that I had ‘stolen’ their food. I maintained my innocence the entire time because this isn’t what happened.
If that was all it was, I wouldn’t have minded but Lucy took it way too personally.
She began to insult my body and weight, saying I ‘didn’t need burgers and should have stolen the salad instead’, and said she doesn’t blame me for stealing because I’m so poor and work a dead-end job.
Lucy’s animosity didn’t stop for over a year, and she would always bring it up any chance she got.
She doesn’t want to invite them around this year.
I’m the one hosting this year and I have not invited John or Lucy. When they asked why they didn’t receive an invitation, I said ‘are you kidding?’ and hung up.
Not the most mature, but I was so shocked at their audacity to ask.
Even after a sit-down and her brother confessed and her SIL apologized, she didn’t feel differently.
My brother text me to suggest a sit down between myself and Lucy but I didn’t get the point of that since she will always think of me as a villain in this ridiculous story.
It was then that my brother confessed that he ate all the ‘missing’ food in the car and felt so embarrassed by it that he lied to Lucy about me refusing to give them the food.
I was in awe. I knew he had lied but not the details or why he lied. I told him he’s a huge asshole here and he needs to come clean to Lucy now.
I guess he did because Lucy then called me, apologising profusely. She said she had no reason to doubt my brother and she was already feeling left out and an outsider so she lashed out.
I thanked her for her apology but said I didn’t forgive her- she said so many awful things to me over 2 missing plates of food.
She still doesn’t want to invite them, and now the family thinks she’s being a pain.
I said they still weren’t invited to the gathering and that they are welcome to host their own (which I obviously wouldn’t attend). This made my brother really mad (they were on speaker together).
A few hours later I got some texts from our mum telling me to just ‘get over it’ and invite Lucy and John. I just put my foot down and said if they show up, they won’t be let in my home.
The whole situation was caused a rift in the family. Half are telling me I can’t not include my brother and the other half are saying Lucy is a bitch for her comments. Lucy and John are still very mad.
Does Reddit agree? Let’s find out!
The top comment says she should keep her foot down.
They say her cruelty is telling.
An apology can’t fix everything.
And what was up with the brother?
This whole story is honestly pretty wild.
There are some words you can’t take back.
And those are the ones that are even harder to forget.
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