December 3, 2014 at 3:14 pm

2014’s Biggest Pop Songs Mashed Into a Single Song and Video

2014's Biggest Pop Songs Mashed Into a Single Song and Video

DJ Earworm is back with his annual mashup of the most popular pop songs of the year. The musician has become famous for his pop mashups and he’s been creating the annual track, which he calls the United States of Pop, since 2007. The most popular songs chosen each year are based on Billboard’s…

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December 3, 2014 at 11:18 am

100 Years of Hair and Makeup in a Single Minute

100 Years of Hair and Makeup in a Single Minute

Watch 10 decades of hair and makeup styles in this fast-paced timelapse video by Cut. Model: Nina Carduner Crew: Shyn Midili – Makeup; Juel Bergholm – Hair; Jessica Law – PA Music: Danny And The Devil – Boy Eats Drum Machine

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December 3, 2014 at 10:19 am

Powerful PSA Shows That You Can Help Prevent Child Abuse

Powerful PSA Shows That You Can Help Prevent Child Abuse

A powerful PSA about child abuse prevention was spotted recently at a high-traffic intersection in Seoul, South Korea. The interactive campaign lets people step in to prevent the crime. The top message roughly translates to: “Child abuse, you can prevent it,” while the bottom message instructs: “112: Report (call) to become a hero for…

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December 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Picture of the Day: The Oldest Tree in Estonia

Picture of the Day: The Oldest Tree in Estonia

Photograph by Abrget47j on Wikimedia Comoons Seen here is the famous Tamme-Lauri oak, the thickest and oldest tree in Estonia, located in Urvaste Parish, Võru County. The height of the tree is 17 metres (56 ft) with a circumference of 831 centimetres (327 in). According to researchers the tree was planted around 1326. [source]…

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December 2, 2014 at 5:23 pm

What Places from Stand By Me Look Like Today

What Places from Stand By Me Look Like Today

Stand by Me is a 1986 coming of age film directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novella The Body by Stephen King. The film received widespread acclaim and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, as well as Golden Globe nominations for Best Motion Picture and Best Director. Back…

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December 2, 2014 at 2:06 pm

The World at Night with Clear Skies and No Light Pollution

The World at Night with Clear Skies and No Light Pollution

Ben Coffman is a landscape photographer based out of Portland, Oregon, who specializes in night photography, in particular ‘landscape astrophotography’ featuring the Milky Way. Not only does this give Ben the opportunity to explore the great outdoors, but it lets us city dwellers gain a greater appreciation for the awe-inspiring night sky as well…

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December 2, 2014 at 11:18 am

Blacksmith Forges 320 Layer Damascus Steel Blade

Blacksmith Forges 320 Layer Damascus Steel Blade

Watch Chris, a blacksmith for John Neeman Tools, make a 320 layer pattern welded Damascus steel blade. What craftsmanship! For more handcrafted goodness check out John Neeman Tools on Facebook and Flickr where you will find hundreds of beautiful photos of these artisans’ work.

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December 1, 2014 at 6:05 pm

Chinese Millionaire Returns to Village, Builds Residents Free Luxury Homes for their Kindness Growing Up

Chinese Millionaire Returns to Village, Builds Residents Free Luxury Homes for their Kindness Growing Up

Millionaire Chinese businessman Xiong Shuihua returned to his childhood village of Xiongkeng to do something special for the residents that treated him and his family so well growing up. The 54-year-old business tycoon—who amassed millions from the construction and steel industries—returned to his village and bulldozed wooden huts and muddy roads, replacing…

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December 1, 2014 at 3:20 pm

Just a Golden Retriever Playing with Her Nine Puppies in the Snow

Just a Golden Retriever Playing with Her Nine Puppies in the Snow

Watch Boon, a golden retriever and mother to nine adorable puppies, teach them how to play. What a precious moment to capture on film.

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December 1, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Fried Shrimp in Three Seconds Flat

Fried Shrimp in Three Seconds Flat

Meanwhile in Japan, the most metal way to make fried shrimp ever. The live action demonstration was a spot for Japanese telecom Docomo as a memorable way to tout their high-speed LTE cellular network. No CG was used in the making of this video.

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