We Only Have One Single Sample Of The World’s Rarest Gemstone, Kyawthuite

Having only a single sample of a mineral or gemstone is exceedingly rare.
Having only a single sample of a mineral or gemstone is exceedingly rare.
What is kyawthuite?!
This is so surreal
Dimitar Karanikolov captures mesmerizing boat traffic through floating gardens and villages on Inle Lake in Myanmar
A gallery of breathtaking aerials by Dimitar Karanikolov
LET THERE BE LIGHT Photograph by LIN TUN/Leopard Photography Website | deviantART | Facebook In this gorgeous capture by Lin Tun, we see a lone monk basking in the sunlight at a Buddhist cave temple in Myanmar. According to PhotoBotos.com, this is Datdawtaung Cave near the town to Kyaukse which is in…
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