Student Wouldn’t Stop Talking In Art Class, So Her Teacher Gave Her A Crazy Punishment And She Broke An Entire Shelf Of Pottery

What a ridiculous punishment!
The Indian pottery company Mitticool invented inexpensive products that helped the masses.
Ceramicist Jono Pandolfi shows Eater how his team makes 300 handcrafted plates, mugs, cups, and other dinnerware for some of America’s best restaurants
Primitive Technology (best YouTube channel ever) makes a kiln and some pottery using clay from a termite mound
Watch artist Eric Landon turn a lump of clay into something beautiful from the perspective of the potter’s wheel. Be sure to watch in HD!
Ceramic artist Jon Almeda creates incredible miniature pottery using a custom designed ‘curio wheel‘.
Icheon, South Korea has a history of ceramic culture that began over 5000 years ago and the work that comes out of the area is world-renowned. In this video we get a glimpse into the creative process of several Icehon-based ceramic masters. The artistry is a joy to watch. Together with Yeoju, Icheon is…
Johnson Cheung-shing Tsang is a Hong Kong sculptor specializing in ceramics, stainless steel sculpture and public artworks. Tsang’s works mostly employ realist sculptural techniques with a surrealist imagination, integrating the two elements, human beings and objects, into creative themes. In a recent sculpture entitled A Painful Pot, Tsang wanted to create a porcelain sculpture…
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