Tag: sculpture

April 25, 2012 at 2:03 pm

30 Amazing Sculptures Made out of Cardboard

30 Amazing Sculptures Made out of Cardboard

Chris Gilmour was born in Stockport, UK (1973), but now calls Udine, Italy home. Using only cardboard and glue, Chris creates incredible sculptures that do not use any supporting structures or wooden/metal frames. Everything you see is 100% cardbaord. His medium of choice is plentiful, cheap and lightweight. Guido Bartorelli summarizes Gilmour’s work as…

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April 16, 2012 at 1:18 pm

Sculptures Made From Everyday Objects

Sculptures Made From Everyday Objects

Artwork by Joe Carnevale Many of our readers may recognize the Internet-famous Barrel Monster above. It went viral back in the Summer of 2009. It was created by artist and urban explorer Joe Carnevale. The artistic stunt would eventually get Joe arrested and sentenced with 50 hours of community service. Thankfully this did…

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April 5, 2012 at 12:04 pm

Geometric Shapes Made from Currency

Geometric Shapes Made from Currency

Kristi Malkoff is a Canadian visual artist and travel addict. She attended the Chelsea College of Art and Design and received her BFA graduate from the Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver in 2005. In her series titled Money Pieces, Kristi uses an assortment of colourful currency from around the world, folding and manipulating…

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February 21, 2012 at 9:23 am

A Devil Sculpture Made from Matches Gets Set Ablaze

A Devil Sculpture Made from Matches Gets Set Ablaze

Artwork by DAVID MACH David Mach’s incredible sculpture, The Devil, is made entirely of matches. It was part of his exhibition “Precious Light: King James Bible – A Celebration 1611-2011” at the City Art Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland. In an act that was both performative and transformative, David set his sculpture ablaze to…

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February 16, 2012 at 9:32 am

Amazing Miniature Sculptures by Takanori Aiba

Amazing Miniature Sculptures by Takanori Aiba

Artwork and Photography by TAKANORI AIBA @ TOKYOGOODIDEA.COM As a follow-up from yesterday’s Picture of the Day, the Sifter was compelled to do a full feature on Takanori Aiba’s incredible miniature sculptures. The level of detail and intricacy in his work is truly mind-blowing. Each sculpture is like a miniature world, bursting with…

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January 23, 2012 at 8:44 am

Incredible 3D Sculptural Art Painted Layer by Layer

Incredible 3D Sculptural Art Painted Layer by Layer

Artwork by RIUSUKE FUKAHORI | Photograph by DOMINIC ALVES Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori creates incredible three-dimensional artwork by applying acrylic paint on multiple layers of transparent liquid resin. The resin is mixed with a hardener or catalyst, allowing Riusuke to paint each successive layer (similar to a 3D printer), eventually creating a ‘sculptural painting’…

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January 2, 2012 at 8:55 am

Incredible Landscapes Carved Into Books

Incredible Landscapes Carved Into Books

Artwork by GUY LARAMEE Hailing from Quebec, fellow Canadian Guy Laramee is a man with many talents. Not only is he a very accomplished painter and sculptor, but Guy is also a highly regarded musician, composer and stage director. With more than 30 years of practice, Guy’s work has been seen and heard…

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November 30, 2011 at 5:07 pm

Picture of the Day: An Illuminated Sandcastle

Picture of the Day: An Illuminated Sandcastle

AN ILLUMINATED SANDCASTLE Photograph via jennylouwho on Reddit Spotted on Reddit (the source of all things Internet), this wonderfully illuminated sandcastle was built on Noosa Main Beach in Queensland, Australia. Unfortunately, the Sifter was unable to track down the actual artist of this terrific sandcastle. If you know, please mention in the…

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November 7, 2011 at 10:30 am

Intricate Book Art Carvings by Brian Dettmer

Intricate Book Art Carvings by Brian Dettmer

Artwork by BRIAN DETTMER Born in Chicago but currently living and working out of Atlanta, Georgia, contemporary artist Brian Dettmer creates incredible works of art with old books and tremendous patience. Using knives, tweezers and surgical tools, Brian meticulously exposes various layers to create his mind-blowing artwork. Dettmer has received critical acclaim around…

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October 22, 2011 at 12:05 pm

10 Jaw-Dropping Pumpkin Carvings by Ray Villafane

10 Jaw-Dropping Pumpkin Carvings by Ray Villafane

Artwork and Photography by RAY VILLAFANE @ VILLAFANE STUDIOS Born in Queens, New York, artist Ray Villafane carves some of the most incredible pumpkins on Earth, garnering international acclaim and notable clients around the world. Ray also works with sand sculptures in addition to designing his own toys and action figures. Be sure…

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