In an ongoing series entitled “Icons”, Jojakim Cortis and Adrian Sonderegger build miniature 3D replicas of historic photographs. The project began in 2012 and the duo have recreated 15 famous images to date which you can find on their website: Every field has its icons, guiding stars, which reflect the spirit of time in…
The “Weapon of Mass Instruction” drives the streets of Argentina, giving away free books to anyone that promises to read them. The modified 1979 Ford Falcon was built by Argentinian artist Raul Lemesoff in celebration of World Book Day, which was on 5 March 2015. The Book Tank is capable of carrying roughly 900…
Charles Leval aka Levalet, is a French artist that uses the streets of Paris as his canvas. The artist likes to incorporate the surroundings into his site-specific wheatpaste artworks, and his figures often seem to interact with their environment. According to an interview with Underground Paris, the 27-year old’s work began appearing in Paris…
Photograph by RM Sotheby’s On May 2, 2015 RM Sotheby’s will be auctioning off a fully functional, electric version of the Tron: Legacy motorcycle. The bike features a 96 volt, direct-drive electric motor with lithium batteries, a computer controlled throttle, rebound and compression damping with spring-preload front suspension and rigid rear suspension, and front…
Simon Qiu, a design student at the Royal College of Art in London, was recently awarded an iF Student Design Award for his water-saving faucet design that also produces an elegant and beautiful swirling pattern. The swirling pattern is produced with the use of two small turbines rotating in opposite directions and Qiu states…
This is most impressive compilation of blooming cactus timelapses you will see today. Filmed by Greg Krehel, the cactus enthusiast and photographer explains: Echinopsis cactus flowers bloom overnight and the flowers last for only a day. Actually, the flowers are at their peak beauty for an hour or two at the most… The cacti…
Last summer, reddit user MisterBrick found a collection of photos from WWII of his hometown of Dijon, France. As a photo project, he decided to reshoot the pictures to show what the places look like today, 70 years later. If you’re digging this series, you can find many more “then and now” projects featured…
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 25 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to 25 IMAGES – FRIDAY! – So…
Father and photographer Brandon Kidwell has created a powerful series of double exposure photos to symbolize life advice and wisdom he has tried to impart on his children. The series, entitled “Wisdom For My Children, Life Lessons Through Photos”, was shared on Behance earlier this year. To see more projects and artworks by Kidwell…