October 31, 2011 at 9:17 am

25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend

by twistedsifter

trollface problem hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend


Every Halloween, hundreds of Reddit users upload photos of their awesome Halloween costumes. This year saw no shortage of funny and creative executions that surely enhanced the evenings of those around them. Enjoy this small collection of hilarious costumes spotted this past weekend. Until next year, have a Happy Halloween ya’ll!


2. Animal (Muppets)

animal muppets hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



3. Carlton Banks

carlton banks hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



4. Angelina Jolie

angelina jolie hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



5. Black Swan

black swan hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend





6. Ace & Gary (Ambiguously Gay Duo)

ace and gary hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



7. The Honey Badger

honey badger hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



8. Rachel Ray

rachel ray hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



9. Bananverine?

banana wolverine hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



10. Peg Bundy

peg bundy hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



11. Steve Urkel

steve urkel hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



12. Salsa Picante

salsa picante hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



13. Chia Pet Dog

chia pet dog hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



14. Walter Sobchak (Big Lebowski)

walter sobchak hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



15. Pikachu

pikachu hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend





16. Zig Zags

zig zag hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



17. Bruce Lee

bruce lee hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



18. James Bond 007 ‘DK Mode’ (Goldeneye)

big head james bond hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



19. AT-AT Dog

at at dog hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



20. Fantasy Football

fantasy football hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



21. Ewok

ewok hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



22. Lego Men

lego man hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



23. D*ck in a Box

in a box hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



24. Ruby Rhod (Fifth Element)

ruby rhod hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend



25. Snooki

snooki hilarious halloween costume 25 Hilarious Halloween Costumes from the Weekend




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