50 Glorious Moments on Seinfeld
Nine seasons, 180 episodes and 10 Emmy awards. Seinfeld will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest television sitcoms of all time. Although the final episode aired almost 15 years ago (May 14, 1998), the show has endured and is now in syndication. One of the great remaining pillars for fans is their wildly entertaining Facebook page.
With over 4.6 million ‘Likes’, the page is a haven for trips down memory lane. Every single day, the Seinfeld page posts a screen grab of the episode that will air that day in syndication (i.e., the show is broadcast on multiple tv stations without going through a broadcast network). The captions that accompany give the Sifter a chuckle on a daily basis.
Below is a collection of 50 glorious moments on Seinfeld, as captured by the Seinfeld Facebook page. I have left the sidebar that shows the likes, comments and date posted as a way of giving them credit for making the screen grabs and captions. Full kudos to the Seinfeld page admins.
Be sure to check them out on Facebook for a daily dose of Seinfeld nostalgia!
1. “When you look annoyed all the time, people think that you’re busy”
2. “I’m saying that the spit could not have come from behind… that there had to have been a second spitter!”
3. “May I have one of those madame?
4. “This is Steven Koren. His GPA is a solid 2.0! Right in the meaty part of that curve – not showing off, not fallng behind.”
5. “Let the collecting begin!!!”
6. “Don’t lie to me butter bean. We’re taking it up a notch”
7. “You think you’re better than me?”
8. “Is he wearing a cape?” Why is Mr. Costanza with a man in a cape? Who wears a cape? Where do you even get a cape?
9. “Feels like an Arby’s night.”
10. “Well does it say anywhere in the contract about my car being used as a whorehouse? ‘Cause I don’t remember reading that clause either.”
11. “What’s with the pink lining and the candy stripes?”
12. “I’ll tell you a little secret about zip codes, they’re meaningless!”
13. “Only I hold the answer key to their true candy identities. And so, without further ado, I give you… the candy line-up.”
14. “For sale: Big… Juicy… Van”
15. “IT’S A LOT OF GUM!”
16. “Alright! Please, please! I cannot have this constant bickering!… Stress is very damaging to the epidermis!”
17. “Look at these boys. If they were any more Cuban, Castro would’ve smoked them himself.”
18. “You know, it’s, it’s ‘nure’, which is good. And a ‘ma’ in front of it. MA-NURE. When you consider the other choices, ‘manure’ is actually pretty refreshing.”
19. “YOU’RE BALD!!!”
20. “This is the new look for the 90s. You’re gonna be the first pirate!”
21. “Back it up, back it up. Beep… beep… beep…”
22. “That’s your big boy. I don’t give out bites… I got another one… but I’m saving it for later.”
23. “I am not O’Brien! I am not O’Brien!”
24. “Go ahead smell, smell.”
25. “G’night Jugdish… Ha Ha Ha Ha”
26. “You’re supposed to see your face in there! Do you see your face in there?”
27. “This is so *bleeping* good!”
28. “Assman? Oh, no these don’t belong to me. I’m not the Assman. I think there’s been a mistake.”
29. “This is the dullest moment I have ever experienced.”
30. “You shrunk it! You know you shrunk it! Just tell me you shrunk it!”
31. “I sense great vulnerability. A man-child crying out for love. An innocent orphan in the post-modern world. His struggle is man’s struggle. He lifts my spirit. He transcends time and space. I love it…”
32. “You’re in latex…”
34. “Well they are more than just underwear to me Mr. Farkus. Two cups in the front, two loops in the back. How do they do it?”
35. “Hoochie Mama! Hoochie Mama! Hoochie Mama!!!”
36. “Because he’s my butler!”
37. “I must be out, or I’d pick up the phone. Where could I be?”
38. “I’m sure if we put out three heads together we should come up with something…”
39. “They took my belt Jerry. I got nothing to hold my pants up.”
40. “It’s 3D art, computer generate them. Big computers!”
41. “This was supposed to be the ‘Summer of George'”
42. “You’re Donna Chang?”
43. “Boxer shorts, ha! Well what brand?”
44. “Yes, a purse. I carry a purse!”
45. “What’s your read Stan?”
46. “I am eating my dessert. How do you eat it, with your hands?”
47. “Oh that’s terrific… Mulva?”
48. “Jambalaya!”
49. “George, Festivus is your heritage, it’s part of who you are…”
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