January 17, 2025 at 9:49 pm

School’s Dress Code Policy Doesn’t Permit Above-The-Knee Skirts, But This Girl’s Parents Reviewed The Code And Found A Way To Bend The Rules

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Canva

Some rules are too vague that you can get around them by simply understanding what they allow and do not allow.

For instance, in this story, the school has a dress code that doesn’t permit short skirts.

However, there wasn’t any exact measurement being specified.

So, this girl with long legs complied with what was in the dress code rule.

When she was called in the dean’s office about her uniform, she pointed out that she didn’t violate any rule.

Read the story below and find out.

Want me to read the dress code? Ok, you got it.

Many moons ago, when I was still in high school, I knew a girl named Jennifer.

We had skirt length rules then, too.

Now, as well all know, sometimes, teenagers don’t grow uniformly.

For example, when I graduated, I was 5’8″ and had an arm span of almost 6 feet.

I wouldn’t grow in to my arms until I was almost 21.

Jennifer was 16, but her legs was really long.

Now, Jennifer’s legs came in before the rest of her.

Like a lot of us at that age, she was kind of gangly.

She was a 16-year-old girl walking around with Claudia Schiffer’s legs.

Also, like a lot of teenagers, she had problems finding clothes that fit.

She’d end up buying tops from the kids section, and pants and skirts from the tall ladies’ section.

She got a memo for having a short skirt.

One day, she gets written up and sent home for having a skirt that was too short.

Because it was some arbitrary amount above her knees.

Her parents went digging into the dress code, and found out that that it didn’t specify a length above the knee.

It specified a length below the fingertips.

Her parents made copies of the dress code rule.

Since Jennifer was a human stork, the specified length was several inches above her knees.

And, in fact, higher than the skirt she had been written up for.

That weekend, they hit “The Limited” with a tape measure and bought a ton of skirts and shorts that met the requirements.

Then they went to the local office supply place, and had a copy of the relevant page of the dress code laminated.

This was a much bigger deal back then.

Jennifer was called into the dean’s office.

Monday morning came, she was the talk of teenage boys for miles, for reasons that should be obvious.

Eventually, the barely-sentient rhinoceros of a hall monitor we shall call Mrs. Lemonface latched on to her.

She dragged her to the office and launched into a screaming tirade about how this girl is dressed.

And threatened to call her parents.

I was in the office for disciplinary reasons of my own.

So, I got to watch as the dean asked her just where she got the idea that she could wear that skirt to school.

She then showed them a copy of the dress code rule and a tape measure.

With a straight face that would serve her well at the World Series of Poker, she reached into her bag.

She pulled out the laminated copy of the dress code and a dressmaker’s tape.

Then she stood up and asked the dean if he would like to measure her skirt.

I didn’t know the dress code rule either, until she read it to them off of her laminated copy.

But as soon as she did, it was obvious that she was in compliance.

She just had arms that hadn’t caught up with her legs yet.

She was sent there a couple of times more, but they couldn’t do anything about it.

The dean was annoyed, and he ranted for what seemed like forever.

He definitely didn’t want to admit that he had been bested by a teenage girl.

But after screaming for a while, he sent her on her way.

I’m told she got dragged down there a few more times over the next day or two for the same thing.

And ended up being let go.

Now, many students followed suit.

Obviously, word got around about this.

And the rest of that spring was an absolute dream for the male of the species.

As practically every leg in the school was showing as much skin possible.

Once we figured out that this could be used to anger the administration, we were relentless.

The school changed the dress code the following year.

As a result of my ridiculous arms, I didn’t get to play.

But I certainly enjoyed the scenery.

They changed the dress code the next school year to a distance above the knee, and the fun was over.

We didn’t stop beating them over the head with the dress code.

We just didn’t get to use skirts and shorts anymore.

That was funny.

Now, let’s find out the reactions of other people about this.

This user shares a similar story.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

I don’t understand dress codes, says this one.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

A teacher speaks up.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Finally, here’s a valid point from this one.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Learn the rules, then learn how to break them.

Teach em young!

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