365 Days of Makeup Applied All at Once
In this experimental film, directors Lernert & Sander applied 365 layers of makeup onto a model’s face in a single, gruelling, nine-hour session.
The model was Hannelore Knuts, who had been named the new face of Swiss fashion house Akris just prior to filming. The makeup was applied by artist Ferry van der Nat and his assistant Vanessa Chan.
Below you can see the short film along with some behind-the-scenes stills from the day. Hannelore was fixed between the panels for the whole day so everything she ate or drank was through a straw.
[via Nowness]
Soundtrack: No music on our shoots! Unless we do a music video and the artists need to lip-sync. But we don’t like lip-syncing, so that never happens in our videos. Music distracts. [source]
Prep work: We tested a 100-layer session a few days before on our intern, who is a man. We wanted to make sure that this amount of makeup wouldn’t kill a person. It didn’t kill our intern so we trusted everything would be fine on Hannelore. [source]

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