January 3, 2023 at 1:48 am

18 People Share Unwritten Life Rules We Should All Follow

by Trisha Leigh

It might have become painfully obvious over the past several years that people don’t agree on much these days – which is why the idea that we all follow certain rules is really funny.

These 18 people say it’s true, though, and think these 18 rules are unwritten, but set in stone.

18. No exceptions.

If a toddler hands you a toy phone you answer it.

My daughter was on her play phone, and she looked at me and said “Shh, Im on an important work call”

And I feel I have simultaneously done something right and wrong.

17. It might be hard to hear, but…

Your best friend may not consider you their best friend.

And that relationships with your ”best friend” can just end abruptly without you ever getting closure.

At that point, you’re better off just moving on, it’s frustrating that you aren’t able to let your feelings out, but sometimes life just doesn’t let you do that.

16. Don’t just argue to argue.

Don’t have strong opinions about something you know nothing about.

15. Compliments for all.

It never hurts to compliment somebody on the quality of their work, their hobbies and whatever field is most important to their self esteem.

It always goes a long way.

I gave a presentation in class last week on my research that I had been working on all semester. Everyone politely clapped at the end but I had stuttered (I get shaky and nervous presenting) and so I started in my usual spiral of “f**k that was awful I’m such an idiot” and it would have ruined my night and hurt my confidence going into exams.

After I sat down, this dude who I had only spoken to like twice all semester leans over to me and says, “great presentation” and gives me a fist bump.

Literally made my year and stopped the self-loathing spiral dead in its tracks.

14. Don’t be fooled.

In the song Grand Illusion by Styx, there is a line;

“Don’t be fooled by the radio, tv, or the magazine. Shows you photographs of how your life should be, compared to someone else’s fantasy.”

So I guess the idea that you might not feel your living your best life when you compare it with what your told is supposed to be your best life.

13. Thank them instead.

Don’t ask for somebody else’s opinion and get mad when they tell it to you.

I think all too often people expect you to echo what they’re thinking, not provide your own opinion. Which is stupid.

I’m pretty direct. If I’m asked a question, I’ll assume it’s meant literally. My wife hates that.

12. That first one, though.

Admit when you’ve done something wrong.

Trust your gut.

Nobody thinks as much about you as yourself.

Be kind. Don’t be an asshole.

If you need help and it is available, ask for it, take it.

Just because you apologize doesn’t mean the other party has to forgive and forget.

11. Every single time.

Under promise and over deliver. People will think you are a genius.

I work IT Support.

My boss always told me to take a good guess on how long something would take, not rushing but at a normal pace. Then add 50%. Then a little more.

I basically live by that now.

10. Trust your gut.

Trust your gut is a difficult one.

If you’re dealing with trauma then often times your gut response is a coping mechanism that might not be the best response to the situation.

Your gut can quite strongly say “leave this place now” even if you’ve just arrived somewhere to be with your friends.

Your gut can say “shut this conversation down” to even minor questions if you grew up with abusive people in your life.

Your gut isn’t always to be trusted. You need to consult your brain and your heart before you make any concrete decisions.

9. Karma is not reliable.

Horrible people wont always be punished for hurting others and it sucks.

Nearly 50% of murders go unsolved. And it often goes downhill from there for other type of crimes. Its awful.

8. Say it again for the people in the back.

Your mental health isn’t your fault, but it is your responsibility.

7. Most people don’t care about you.

Not everybody is your friend, be careful who you vent to. Many people only want juicy gossip and don’t give a shit about you or your problems.

A good sign of this is where your friend brings you dirt or juicy stuff about someone else that likely was said in confidence or probably shouldn’t have been communicated out.

If they do that, your info is equally being dished out.

Putting folks on informational diets is the way to go until you gain supreme level of mutual trust.

6. Take a deep breath first.

On this note, if you ever find yourself feeling very angry at somebody, and want to give them a piece of your mind either over text, email, or phone, listen to this advice. It’s some of the best I have ever learned. Write down what you would want to say first, either in a word document or email or whatever, save it, but DO NOT send it.

Then, wait at-least 12 hours or overnight and revisit what you wrote. After having a cool off period and some time to gain some clarity, 90% of the time you would have regret having sent the original message and are usually in a much better place to respond as to not burn any bridges that you meant to keep.

I’ve always heard to this as having “restraint of pen and tongue” and is one of the most clear signs of maturity.

5. Shout it from the rooftop.

That just because someone is family, doesn’t mean they’re a good person.

Its so wild how people call you a bad person for avoiding your family despite knowing nothing about their family.

“It doesn’t matter what they did you were in the wrong because they’re family” makes zero sense to me but other people look at me like I’m the lost one.

4. Keep your peace.

Never let anyone take or disturb your peace. Learn to walk away from toxic people!

3. It’s ok to not understand everything.

If you don’t understand something someone is telling you, say so instead of pulling an “opinion” on the topic out of your ass. There is no shame in not knowing or understanding something.

Refusing to admit you don’t know and by extension refusing to learn something new because your ego is hurt is gravely misguided, however.

2. Those are the best kind of people.

Surround yourself with people who will mention your name in a room full of opportunities.

1. No matter how tempting.

If someone gives you their phone to look at a picture, don’t swipe next to the other pictures.

I hold the phone gingerly like a baby, even if it’s the exact same as my own phone and push it forward, but still in my hands, to put the phone in their proximity again so they can reach easier and ask “Are there more photos?” and they either take the phone back or they reach over and start swiping for me. Works every time.

I have to agree with most of these.

But also add, you always say thank you for a gift, even if you hate it.

twistedsifter on facebook 18 People Share Unwritten Life Rules We Should All Follow