She Used His Gym Equipment Without Asking. Was He Right To Be Mad?
by Trisha Leigh
Relationships can be a lot to deal with sometimes, and the longer you’re single before getting into one, the truer that is. It’s hard to share, especially when you’ve worked hard to buy something that’s important to you.
That said, most people realize that although everything doesn’t have to be community property, after a couple of years, the expectation is that most things probably are.
For this man, his “thing” is his gym equipment. He doesn’t like sharing at the gym so he spent a good amount of money building a home gym for his use only.
I decided I don’t like driving all the way to gym 4 times a week or sharing equipment with other people, so I decided to spend $4500 on building myself a home gym.
His girlfriend of 2 years has an emergency key, but one day decided to let herself in to use the gym equipment even though she has a membership nearby.
My girlfriend (2.5 years) doesn’t live with me. She has a key for EMERGENCIES.
One morning she let herself to use my gym without even checking if I was okay with it?
He told her he doesn’t want her using it and I assume a fight ensued; now he’s wondering whether or not he was a jerk to hoard it.
Needless to say I wasn’t okay with this. The whole point was that I didn’t want to share a gym with anyone else. She’s acting like I’m TA for not wanting to share my gym with her.
But she has a gym membership and it’s no further away from her place than my house is. There’s no real reason she has to use mine.
For INFO, he left out of the original post that she said she didn’t want to go to the gym because she was being harassed, to which he replied that all women get harassed at the gym and she should just deal with it.
AITA here or is she for using my gym equipment without even checking with me if I’m okay with it?
Reddit’s leaning all kinds of ways on this one!
This person, and a few others, started out as ESH (Everyone Sucks Here) but changed to YTA (You’re The A$$hole) after hearing she did have a reason for wanting to use his gym.

Image Credit: Reddit
No one was happy with his dismissing of her reason, either.

Image Credit: Reddit
In general, people do think she should have asked first, but also say he would be the a$$hole for saying no if she had.

Image Credit: Reddit
This comment says the girlfriend is probably close to figuring out that she needs to find the exit.

Image Credit: Reddit
Because what’s the difference between spit and sweat?

Image Credit: Reddit
Y’all, this guy is something else.
I hope everyone out there in relationships knows their worth!
Categories: THE REST
Tags: · aita, am i the asshole?, askreddit, do you have to share everything with your parnter, reddit

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