She Won’t Let Her Grandmother Dictate What She Wears at Her Party. Is She Wrong?
by Matthew Gilligan
I’ll wear what I want, Grandma!
And your religion sucks!
Uh oh…that doesn’t sound too good, does it?
But did this teenage girl go too far when she decided to put her grandmother in her place?
Read her story and see what you think.
AITA for refusing to allow my step grandmother dictate what I can or can’t wear at her party and for telling her she can shove religion down her she-knows-where?
“I’m 16F. My dad comes from a Muslim background but he’s not religious. My mum doesn’t come from any religious background and isn’t religious either, I’m quite similar to my mum.
My dad has married my step mother about 3 years ago. She and her side of the family are very religious and quite strict in how they practice. They’re very conservative and quite inflexible when it comes to others around them. She’s always clashing with me about how my lack of practice reflects poorly on her in her community and how a little effort from me could go a long way in helping our family.
I generally don’t give an inch. Obviously needless to say I don’t have any problems with religious people (of any religion) and I respect them as long as it’s reciprocal and they respect me back. Naturally I also live in this community and most of my friends are from the same background, and we get along perfectly.
Last night her mother was visiting us for dinner and told us she is throwing a family and friends party and we’re all invited. But looked at me and said modest Islamic clothing only.
I said I’m gonna wear what I typically wear to any family party and she said no she won’t allow it in her house. In case you don’t know, what she wants are 1) hair covered, 2) not showing any skin apart from face and feet, and 3) clothes to be loose so they wouldn’t show body figure.
I said fine, thanks for the invitation but if I’m not welcome as me then I’ll pass [edit: and won’t come.]
Up until this point it was a polite conversation. But after this she attacked my character and I responded. This is how it went from there, I’ll quote directly as best as I can remember:
Her: This is the kind of party where the whole family comes or none of them come. You can be your own person on your own time but you have family obligations too and wouldn’t kill you to do it for once in your life.
Me: You have no idea of my obligations or how I handle them, you’re out of line and should back off.
Her: And you should respect your religion and elders so if you know what’s good for you when I tell you this is what you wear you should say yes.
Me: I don’t respect this nonsense. And your party and religion, you know where to shove them.
Then said I’ve lost my appetite, looked at my dad and told him thanks for standing up for me, and left. I called my mum and she came to pick me up, haven’t spoken with dad or step mother since. My step sister (13F) who thought this whole thing was very funny told me that the three of them fought for like half an hour after I left with my mum and the step grandmother left angrily.
While my mum insists I did right by standing up for myself, I don’t know if I took it too far. I could have just smiled and insisted no without escalating the situation to avoid the conflict.
Here’s what Reddit users said about this.
This reader said she’s NTA and that she handled this perfectly.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Reddit user also said she’s NTA and they issued a warning.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another Reddit user said what her dad did should raise a huge red flag for her.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Yeah, red flags all over the place with this one for sure.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, family, grandparents, muslim, reddit, religion, white text

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