July 21, 2023 at 7:29 pm

Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Expecting His Brother-In-Law to Pay for a Wrecked Seadoo

by Matthew Gilligan

AITAWreckedSeadoo Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Expecting His Brother In Law to Pay for a Wrecked Seadoo

Those Seadoos aren’t cheap, friends.

I know this is a fact because a guy I was acquainted with when I was younger wrecked one on a lake once and it cost him a pretty penny to replace it.

And the guy who wrote the story below wants to know if he’s an a**hole for expecting his brother-in-law to pay for a Seadoo that his nephew wrecked.

Read on and see what you think.

AITA for expecting my brother-in-law to pay for my Seadoo after he let my nephew wreck it?

“I just had my family out to the lake for Memorial Day. I work remotely from there so it is not just a vacation home, it is my home.

I am single and I like to buy myself toys. I also like to entertain. I own two Spark trixx 800 cc Seadoos.

They are a lot of fun but also really powerful.

My sister and her family came up for the weekend.

We had a good time and I had a blast towing the kids around on a tube.

The problem came when one of my nephews wanted to drive the machine. I said no because, while I may call it a toy, it is not a toy.

When I was in the house my brother-in-law let my nephew drive. But they skipped a step because he is an idiot. He forgot to attach the tether clip to the life jacket.

The kid lost control and fell off. Normally the tether is a d**d man’s switch and turns off the machine if the rider falls off.

So then the Seadoo took off for a bit and then started making slow circles until it ran into a dock.

A bunch of the plastic on the top broke and some just got badly scratched.

They came and told me and I told him he had to pay for fixing my machine. He is mad because it was an accident. I said he took it and gave it to someone who didn’t have permission or experience and he is responsible.

My sister and I talked and she paid me for the parts I will need to fix.

My brother-in-law is pi**ed because it came out of their “fun” budget and now he has to save up again for their vacation.


Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.

This readers said he’s NTA and was stupid and dangerous behavior.

Screen Shot 2023 07 05 at 8.56.29 AM Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Expecting His Brother In Law to Pay for a Wrecked Seadoo

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual also said he’s NTA and that they would have pressed charges over this.

Screen Shot 2023 07 05 at 8.57.13 AM Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Expecting His Brother In Law to Pay for a Wrecked Seadoo

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one individual said his brother-in-law needs to get his head out of his a**.

Screen Shot 2023 07 05 at 8.57.33 AM Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Expecting His Brother In Law to Pay for a Wrecked Seadoo

Photo Credit: Reddit

It’s always tricky to ask family to fix things, but if their kids broke it… gotta pay up.