July 21, 2023 at 10:19 pm

What Can Attractive People Do That Ugly People Can’t? Here’s What Folks Said.

by Matthew Gilligan

ARAttractiveUglyPeople What Can Attractive People Do That Ugly People Can’t? Here’s What Folks Said.

The world is an unfair place…

And the older you get, the more you realize that it’s just a fact of life.

And, let’s face it, the beautiful people of the world get away with a whole lot more than ugly folks out there…

AskReddit users shared their thoughts on this subject.

The easy life.

“Everything is easier… everything.

No matter how we try to slice and dice society by demographic difference, employ policy wonks to create legislative fairness…short and/or ugly and/or overweight people will have it harder.

Be tall, be handsome, be fit…life will just f**king open up for you”


“Receiving common human decency.

I am on the ugly spectrum. I have had lift doors closed in my face while the occupants laugh. I have almost been run over because people refuse to stop at the pedestrian crossing when I have right of way.

Not continuing to hold open a door even when that door is being held open for other strangers. Not moving over to allow me to sit down on public transport.”

Sad, but true.

“Anyone can ask, but attractive people are so much more likely to get help from strangers.

Just a sad, twisted fact of life.”

There’s an upside.

“Growing up slightly homely, I saw that prettier girls got more help, nicer treatment, favors, etc. from everyone.

Upside was that I learned to be more independent. And I’m told that I have aged extremely well, and that a lot of people who looked down on me and made unkind remarks in our youth, have not.”

Drinks are on you tonight.

“I had a very attractive friend that used to go out drinking with minimum money, planning on some random to cover her drinks for the night.

It worked every time.”

Let me help you.

“I have a buddy who owns a company that delivers cases of equipment to hotel ballrooms for corporate events. The cases are not super heavy but there are usually delivered 10 or 15 at a time.

He would usually send two guys to make the delivery until he discovered that if he sent just one attractive women, all the other male techs (working for someone else in the ballroom) would drop whatever they were doing to assist the attractive women.”

You look great!

“Wear anything they want and look good.

Weird ’80s jeans, boxy T-shirts, all the stuff that’s hip and looks weird on normal people.”


“Playing the male role in romantic movie.

If the guy from 50 Shades of Gray was overweight and balding it would be a horror flick.”

You got the look.

“Being weird and dressing “eccentric” but I think it’s more of a confidence thing.

When you are attractive and know you are attractive you have more confidence to want to try things that will make you stand out.

But when your ugly trying to dress to different can work against you. Same with acting too different. You will stand out for the wrong reasons.”


“I once missed a flight to NY and I knew it before I went to the ticket kiosks.

I walked right up to a worker and all I told them was that I do not have the time to catch my flight. They asked me where I was headed and walked me to a desk a few paces away.

Without discussing anything further, I was being handed a ticket on a different flight landing in the same airport that starts boarding in 30 minutes.”


“Be terrible in bed and still get more.

I’ve found attractive people to essentially be d**d fish in bed. They depend too much on their looks and that doesn’t translate.

Less attractive? D**n! Crazy fun!”