‘He proposed the practice of washing hands in 1847.’ Who Didn’t Deserve to Be Canceled? Here’s What People Had to Say.
by Justin Gardner
It doesn’t take a whole lot to get canceled these days…
People are out there constantly trying to dig up dirt on all kinds of folks and, truth be told, there’s a whole lot of dirt out there for them to uncover.
But these AskReddit users think that some people have been canceled unfairly.
Let’s check out what they had to say about this.
What a story.
“Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis
He was a Hungarian physician and scientist, who was described as the “saviour of mothers”. while working in Vienna General Hospital’s First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors’ wards had three times the mortality of midwives’ wards.
Despite various publications of results where hand-washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. Some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it.
In 1865, the increasingly outspoken Semmelweis allegedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. In the asylum he was beaten by the guards. He d**d 14 days later from a gangrenous wound on his right hand that may have been caused by the beating.
His findings earned widespread acceptance only years after his d**th, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory.”
“The heavy metal artist that was accused of m**dering Elisa Lam.
The artist’s name was Morbid, real name Pablo Vergara.
As Morbid specialised in black metal, his project had the typical dark and evil themes and devices that go with the genre. Skulls, Satanism, whatever you want to call it. One of his music videos that he produced included the story of a young girl getting m**dered. It was just bad luck it was sort of around the time of Elisa Lam’s d**th.
His link with Elisa Lam and the Cecil Hotel is that he at some point stayed in the same hotel approximately 12-24 months prior to Elisa Lam. That’s it. Not even the same room nor even at the same time. The internet sleuths had somehow cottoned on that he was a black metal musician and that he had stayed in the Cecil at some point and together with his music video therefore decided case closed, we have our man.
He was inundated with threats, got all his social media accounts suspended, contact with his family was made. It all caused him to have a mental breakdown, attempted s**cide and woke up in a psychiatric hospital. This was all despite presenting to the Internet judges that he was in a completely different country at the time. It did not matter though.
From what I last knew, he has discontinued all musical and artistic efforts on the back of the force majeure that is “d**kheads on the internet with f**k all else to do with their time!”
Add onto that, with all things internet, there will always be the d**kheads that will not let up despite presentation of clear and concise evidence that they are wrong.”
Good one!
“The Dislike button on YouTube and being able to see the ratio.
Robbed us of our key tool to spot misinformation and call out corporate shill videos.”
Have you heard of him?
“Alan Turing.
He wasn’t just cancelled, they had him chemically castrated.
And he k**led himself cuz the things they made him take also destroyed his physical/mental health.
Great way to thank the guy who won WWII for the allies and invented modern computer science.”
Sad story.
“Stella Leibeck, the McDonald’s Coffee lawsuit victim.
She was an elderly woman with extreme and gruesome burns. She pleaded with McDonalds to just pay her medical bills and they refused.
It turned out they’d been paying out small sums to hundreds and hundreds of other people as “hush money,” and their coffee was 40 degrees hotter than the average fast food place.”
Glad he’s back.
“Brendan Fraser.
Guy got blacklisted for speaking up about being s**ually harrassed by a studio boss.
I’m so happy for the love he finally receives. He’s a treasure.”
“Janet Jackson.
Millennial here. Every freaking time Janet Jackson is mentioned, her nipple comes up.
That woman has had a DECADES long career and comes from one of the most famous families of the last century. She is one of the only members of that family who didn’t turn out to be garbage or a weirdo and we just s**t all over her.
Beautiful and talented and not a godd**ned mess.
We, as a society, have turned Janet Jackson into an exposed nipple. Disgraceful.”
Guy is a monster.
“Ashley Judd.
F**k Harvey Weinstein.
Ditto Mira Sorvino and Annabella Sciorra.
I would love to see more movies with any or all of them.”
Major issues.
“It was pretty f**ked up how we treated Britney Spears.
Making her into the butt of jokes for literally having a mental breakdown. We all laughed at the “leave Britney alone!” person, but they were 100% right all along.
Finding out years later that her mental breakdown was probably the result of the lack of control she had over her own life under her father’s conservatorship made us realize how huge a**holes we were being back then.”
“Raquel Welch.
She was shunned by the movie industry in the 1970s because she pushed back on doing nude scenes.”
Wow, these are truly horrible.

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