‘Smelling a seat when someone stands up.’ What Are The Things That Are Legal But Definitely Really Creepy? People Share Their Thoughts.
If there’s one thing you have to accept as you grow older and wander the world on your own, it’s that there are all sorts of people out there.
Some of the are awesome and fun and make you laugh.
Others squick you the heck out.
But listen – as long as either kind (and the ones in between) aren’t doing anything illegal, you have to live and let live.
This should be illegal.
Following people on the street for extended periods of time.
There are a lot of worst parts.
Making those websites that count down to, usually female, celebrities turning 18.
Worst part is since the pics they goggle over are still them when they were underage.
Definitely not ok.
Sitting at a pool, with a camera. Fully clothed.
being on the receiving end of that is angering.
Dude in his mid-60’s employed at the DoD contractor campus where I work set up his deck chair facing the exit of the ladies’ locker room.
I had already clocked him when would come to the campus gym and workout shirtless and ask people (women) how old they though he was. He also ‘helped’ women with their weight lifting technique whether they wanted it or not.
Anyway I had noticed he was sitting in his deck chair multiple times over the course of a week, watching women as they came out.
Then suddenly the furniture in the locker room was rearranged so the towel shelf was moved closer to the lockers and the bench we used to change in to our suits (you know, where you get fully naked before putting on your swim suit) was moved to be totally visible when the exit door was opened.
That dude was full on creep. So glad he was dismissed after I and multiple other women complained.
Wait, there’s a time limit?
Groping women for up to 10s in Italy.
Imagining a stereotypical Italian guy running around with a stopwatch.
I mean…
Smelling a seat when someone stands up.
I saw a man do similar on a subway. A woman got up from her seat and he rushed over and pressed his cheek into the warm spot.
How could you?
“We have the right of complete access to your private life because a lot of people enjoy work that you do.”
That’s the reasoning for their jobs.
Not explicitly.
Necrophilia was legal in the Netherlands until June this year đź’€
Before this, it was a crime, but not explicitly. A corpse was seen as an object and it was a crime because necrophilia was seen as damaging an object that belonged to another, with punishments of up to two years in prison and a max fine of €22.500.
Now necrophilia is a crime of itself.
Give me my space.
Sitting beside someone in a bus/train when there are multiple available seats.
Out of spite.
Divorce lawyer here. People fighting like mad to get the dog in the divorce and then turning it over to a shelter out of spite.
Although now in CA there can be SERIOUS consequences for doing that due to recent law changes about pets and divorce, but it wasn’t always that way.
They have to be doing it on purpose.
Walking into an elevator and not turning around.
At Disneyland – when it was tower of terror, they had you go up stairs and or regular elevators (vs the elevator-ride) to get to the loading platform. Usually a cast member would act creepy or silly and say fun things as the elevator doors closed
One time a cast member (Tower of Terror bell hop) stepped in and just faced inwards towards us. Didn’t say anything just stared and slowly smiled more and more. And when the doors opened they took a step back and gestured where to walk – never breaking the creepy smile or 1000yard stare.
It was perfectly unsettling.
She definitely hated him.
My friends dad took us to the gym when we were kids. There was a line of like 30 treadmills with only one person, a lady on the end. He proceeds to pick the only treadmill adjacent to hers.
Lol even as a kid I was like cmon man
So uncomfortable.
Child beauty pageants.
I have seen some of it and yea always a bunch of self obsessed mothers putting their daughters through stress and misery.
Telling their daughters only looks matter so that the mother can get another trophy to stick in their display case and call themselves winners.
It’s pretty ick.
Exploiting your kids for fame on social media.
I’ve seen the parents coaching the kids before when they didn’t realize the camera was still recording/accidentally uploaded the unedited video
I remember that mom who kept telling her son to cry harder/look more sad bc his dog died, & he yelled at her “i AM sad!”
ugh it was so disgusting
That is disgusting.
Saving your milk from your bowl of cereal in a jug in the fridge for guests.
Edit: I didn’t mention that it’s a “family jug”
No comment.
Lawyer here: I once had a client drink another person’s unflushed pee from a public toilet. The judge clearly hated that he had to dismiss my client’s case…
Edit: Lots of great questions, but I will remember what I learned at an MCLE training from Michael Jackson’s lawyer: “no comment” is never the wrong answer.
Yep I don’t like any of this.
You can just keep it.

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