‘They told her that it was creepy for a grown man to have a doll.’ He Pressed Charges When His Girlfriend Stole The Doll His Father Made Him. Was He A Jerk?
by Trisha Leigh
You might not expect a full-grown man to have a doll on the wall that’s precious to him, but this is 2023 and we’re here for all kinds of men – especially those that have a healthy connection to their own emotions.
OP has a girlfriend who has a key to his place but who doesn’t live there. Recently, she asked if she could have a girl’s night there while he was out of town.
I (26M) have been with my still girlfriend (26F) for almost 4 years. Last year I gave her a key to my house. She spends a few days there, but we don’t live together full time.
A few days ago, I had to make a quick trip for work. She asked me if she could invite a few of her friends to the house for a girl’s night (it was on Thursday). I accepted.
He said yes, but when he returned home, he found that a doll that his father had made had gone missing.
He had it on the wall because his father made it, he had since passed, and it was precious to him – precious enough to contain a GPS tracker.
I returned yesterday in the morning. The firs thing I noticed was that the rag doll missing from the wall.
My first instinct was to call my girlfriend to ask if she had put it somewhere else, she denied it and said the doll was there (it wasn’t).
OP confronted his girlfriend who claimed to know nothing about it, but the GPS tracked the doll to her friend’s house.
I checked the gps of the doll (yes, it has a gps). The gps marked the house of one her friends, let’s call her Jess. I tried to be nice and told my GF to tell her friend to bring it back before 5 pm and I’ll pretend this never happened or I’ll involve the police. She tried to fight it but I told her about the gps.
Well, my GF called me back saying that Jess denied having the doll, we had a huge argument and warned her that I wasn’t playing about getting the police involved.
They doubled down as far as knowing nothing, but OP made good on his threat to call the police and recovered the doll.
I waited until 5 and went to the police. We went to her house and got the doll back. I pressed charges.
My GF and I had a bigger argument about me pressing charges.
His girlfriend eventually confessed that she found the doll creepy and asked her friends for help/advice and this was the result.
My ex came over yesterday. She was a mess. She explained that she actually had a problem with the doll, but instead of telling me, she went to her friends. They told her that it was creepy for a grown man to have a doll, and that I was too attached to it.
This only reinforced her feelings.
This was a regular topic between them and they came up with ideas to get rid of doll, but she never followed them, until Thursday. Her friends were fed up with her for not doing something as we were planning to move together.
Before they left, my ex and Jess talked. They agree that Jess would take the doll and my ex would take care of the rest.
My ex forgot the gps and when I confronted her, she panicked, she actually called Jess and told her about it, but Jess told her not to worry, that I wouldn’t do anything about it. But she was obviously wrong.
I broke up with her, she tried to plead and even suggested couples therapy but I just couldn’t stand being with her anymore.
He broke up with her but is wondering whether or not he should go ahead and drop the charges.
They (including her) known the doll was made by my father. They could have stolen anything else and I wouldn’t bat an eye.
I gave her friend a chance and she tried to play stupid. They have been calling me an asshole and to drop the charges.
Reddit to the rescue!
The top comment says absolutely no to dropping the charges.

Image Credit: Reddit
And this person says there is no good reason for the girlfriend to have done that.

Image Credit: Reddit
They say there isn’t much trust in this relationship, which isn’t good.

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This commenter says he was absolutely right to give her the boot.

Image Credit: Reddit
It doesn’t matter what the girlfriend’s reasons are; if she was really that icked by the doll she should have talked to him.

Image Credit: Reddit
Perhaps the girlfriend will have learned something going forward.
But probably not.

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