‘Your life can be changed forever in the blink of an eye.’ Here Are The Harsh Realities That Everyone Needs To Hear, According To The Internet
We’ve all heard the truth that life isn’t fair – regardless of whether or not we want to believe it – but are there other harsh realities that apply to humans across the board?
These people say yes, so hold onto your seats, y’all.
It just is.
Failure is part of life.
“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” – Jean-Luc Picard
Harsh AND sad.
Children’s first bullies are often their parents
Low expectations.
Just because you go out of your way for people, it doesn’t mean they will do the same for you.
Edit: I didn’t expect this comment to get so many up votes and replies as it has. Thank you for the awards too đź’–
For those calling me out saying ‘I shouldn’t expect anything back or I’m selfish that ‘I don’t go out of my way to help others without expecting anything in return’ that’s not what my comment said.
All I’m saying is, be careful who you drop everything for.
Deal with it or die.
Your life can be changed forever in the blink of an eye. You have to deal with it or die. I’m 62, I went to run errands one day with my beautiful wife of 42 years and I came home 2 hrs later a widower.
She died of a massive heart attack in the passenger seat.
That was about 13 months ago, it’s been hard, but I’m still here thanks to some wonderful people in my life.
That’s not how this works.
Life is not automatically easier just because you’re a good person.
“Expecting life to treat you well because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge at you because you are vegetarian”
We’re not meant to handle it.
Most people should not be on social media of any kind because they cannot handle what it does to them mentally.
It is not about socialization its about corporations monetizing your life.
Many of us were the frog slowly boiled in the monetization of the internet. We started out when it was a place corporate media laughed at, and we had our space and our fun and were left to ourselves. Slowly ads and marketing and data collection creeped in, and none of us noticed that the internet fundamentally changed.
Some of us did, even subconsciously, but we were already engaged, habituated. Now it can seem very hard to pull away and find some meaningful life that isn’t connected to everyone else 24/7.
Don’t waste your time.
You can love someone with all of your heart and not be loved back in the same way.
I wasted a lot of time in my life either being too stupid to learn this or or at the very least too stubborn to admit it to myself.
Other than you.
It won’t just happen.
I spent a lot of my early 20s being sad and defeatist, feeling sorry for myself. I always coped with this by telling myself that I’d make something of myself eventually, and meet a woman eventually, and be happy eventually.
The truth is, eventually doesn’t come if you don’t make it come. Improvement has to be proactive. You CAN end up 40 years old, living with your parents, playing video games all day, and with no motivation. Nothing will prevent that from happening other than you.
It’s ok.
Not everyone likes you
Some people won’t like you for very arbitrary reasons, or for no reason at all. It takes way too much of your energy trying to make people like you. Use that energy on yourself and your loved ones.
It’s a life lesson I learned much later than I could have.
Not just in a court of law.
Whatever you say can and will be used against you.
Even DAs will tell you “don’t say shit. Just don’t. There is absolutely nothing you can say that will help you.
If a cop wants to arrest you and charge you they will. If they don’t, talking will give them a reason to.”
These things happen.
Its a Star Trek reference, but its a very realistic one.
“It is possible to make no mistake, and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life”.
Sometimes you need to accept you did everything within your power right and it still went bad. And remember that this isnt something to beat yourself up over. These things happen.
It matters.
Physical appareance matters. Almost everyone is shallow, and if you are ugly, people might treat you as inferior and you will have disadvantages in almost every aspects of life (i.e pretty privilege or Halo effect, look that up)
(As an ugly person I confirm)
Think about it.
“.. celebrities and influencers need us more than we need them..”
Some primal instinct.
I’m an introverted, shy person but ive had to develop leadership skills because I keep getting forced into leadership roles. Why? Because I’m a tall man with a deep voice. That’s legit the only reason I can think of.
It’s some primal instinct from childhood or something that still gives me more of a say in group settings than I really ought to have.
You can believe it is, though, while you’re in it.
Your first relationship most likely won’t be your last.
When I hear young girls say their first boyfriend is the love of their life I just smile. That was me. “madly in love” at 15 and thought we’d be together forever. It makes me laugh.
Thankful my first relationship was loving and respectful enough to make me hopeful for the next.
You can’t make them care.
Some people will hurt you, and they won’t care how you feel about it.
At any moment.
You can become disabled unexpectedly at any point in your life. Make sure you’re taking advantage of the abilities you have while you have them. 🙂
I saw it happen to my mom in her fifties and then it happened to me in my twenties. Don’t let life pass you by. Enjoy every bit of it while you have a body that allows you to do so. 🙂 I don’t regret any of the things I paid to experience before I got sick.
Every single day.
You gotta walk your dogs.
My dogs live for their walks, working from home really made that blatantly obvious. I used to skip walks sometimes… but after seeing them all day just waiting around to sniff the world i dont skip walks anymore .
That and my one girl is getting older and you realize how much they deserve while they are here i have doubled the park trips too
Yeah, we might not love to hear it.
But honesty is (usually) the best policy.

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