October 10, 2023 at 2:37 am

‘Aldi’s not going to turn down hundreds of dollars of your business.’ Former Aldi Employee Shared A Tip If You Don’t Have A Quarter For Their Shopping Carts

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

Some people really don’t like Aldi because customers have to rent shopping carts for 25 cents.

And, in case you didn’t know, there are 25 cent plastic key fobs that people can buy and put on the end of their keychains that will work at Aldi so they don’t have to scramble for a quarter when they go to the store.

But a man named Joe posted a video on TikTok where he talked about how he thinks the plastic key fobs are a dumb idea because they actually cost more than the 25 cents that people dish out to grab a cart.

And another man who happens to be a former Aldi employee named Billy stitched a video to Joe’s original TikTok and offered up another reason why people shouldn’t try to get around paying the 25 cents for a cart.

Billy said, “So as an ex-Aldi employee, please never use these, this is dumb as hell.”

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

Billy said, “when you do something like this or your house key, you’re messing up the whole cart swap process. And if you don’t have a quarter, you can just go right up to one of the employees and ask them for a quarter for the cart.”

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

He said that he was told to give customers quarters if they asked for them when he worked at Aldi.

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

Billy explained, “First of all, it’s helpful for the cashier when you have a cart, so most cashiers are probably happy to give you that quarter, rather than you come through the line without it.”

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

He then added, “But Aldi’s not going to turn down hundreds of dollars of your business just cause you don’t have a quarter. Just bring a quarter or ask them for one. Don’t use these, these are dumb.”

The more you know, right?!?!

Take a look at his video.


#stitch with @Joe Bartolozzi #aldi #aldis

♬ original sound – 👽 Billy 👽

Now check out what people had to say about it.

This viewer doesn’t understand why folks make a big deal about a quarter.

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

Another TikTokker said it’s more complicated where they live.

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

And this individual said they love the hack they figured out.

Source: TikTok/@billy.b.333

I’m definitely going to try the “ask an employee” method the next time I go.

We shall see if it works…