October 18, 2023 at 11:08 am

‘He didn’t believe we had so many pieces missing.’ He Got His Entire Chain of Command Fired After He Reported The Truth

by Matthew Gilligan

TikTokArmy He didnt believe we had so many pieces missing. He Got His Entire Chain of Command Fired After He Reported The Truth

Hey, I was only following directions, sir…

But sometimes, following directions doesn’t go very well and people get into hot water.

This guy decided to maliciously comply and it didn’t end well.

Get all the details below.

Was forced to do a task. Got my entire Chain of Command fired.

“I’ve been serving in a certain military branch for 5 years and I’m nearing the end of my contract.

So the “give a care” is completely gone. I’m in charge of inventory of specific pieces of equipment. Smaller pieces that are used by many people at my job. From time to time these pieces “disappear”.

Most of the time that just means things are misplaced, but we just got out of a certain period where we had MANY hired contractors at our job that tend to take things. Now every once and a while we conduct an inventory of these pieces of equipment for accountability reasons. When we lose things, it looks very bad on my work. More specifically, bad on my bosses.

So I prepared the inventory and was startled by the amount of missing pieces. I did everything I needed to do and presented the inventory to my boss.

He didn’t believe we had so many pieces missing and asked for me to inventory them again. so I did, got the same number, and put the inventory in his inbox.

Few months go by and I get the same thing.

“There can’t be that many! Do another one.” So I’m very compliant and do it again, and again…..and again.

This gets dragged on over a year and I’m starting to notice something. My boss is about to leave soon and he is deliberately pushing this off to the next guy to cover himself.

So last week I was sleeping since I work nights and I’m woken up. My boss tells me I have to do a specific survey with my co-workers that will get sent up to the head honcho. This survey allows the small guy have a voice directly to the top. I tell him that I have the night watch, but he doesn’t care and demands I go and do this survey.


Before the survey starts our boss tells us we need to be completely honest and all these surveys are anonymous.


I wrote down what had been happening with the inventory and directed where they could find the documentation of the done inventories.

Fast forward to yesterday. All my bosses are fired and now I’m reporting to new people who are now fixing the issues with the inventory.”

Here’s what folks had to say about this.

One reader talked about something that went missing in their country…

Screen Shot 2023 10 13 at 10.03.03 AM He didnt believe we had so many pieces missing. He Got His Entire Chain of Command Fired After He Reported The Truth

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said somehow their military lost a TANK.

Screen Shot 2023 10 13 at 10.03.14 AM He didnt believe we had so many pieces missing. He Got His Entire Chain of Command Fired After He Reported The Truth

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person shared a crazy story about some missing military cargo.

Screen Shot 2023 10 13 at 10.03.25 AM He didnt believe we had so many pieces missing. He Got His Entire Chain of Command Fired After He Reported The Truth

Photo Credit: Reddit