‘We want to try to make money off of them.’ Their Boss Said To Treat All Prank Calls Like They’re Real, So They Does Just That
by Matthew Gilligan
I’m gonna go on the record THIS SECOND and say that I love this story.
In fact, I feel like it might be one of the best stories I’ve ever read on Reddit’s “Malicious Compliance” page.
And that’s saying something!
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Treat all prank calls as though they’re serious? Sure, have fun making 180 extra large pizzas.
“I work in a major pizza delivery chain that has so far been unsuccessful in out-pizzaing the hut.
Our store is in a college town, and everyone is bored as hell right now for obvious reasons. So we’ve gone from maybe one prank call a day to at least 3-5. Which isn’t much but still really annoying with how much more business we’ve been getting, again for obvious reasons.
The worst part is how uncreative and low effort most of them are. At least 80% of them are “Can I get a boneless pizza”, or “is this the Kristy Krab”, with the occasional insert GTA fast food order copypasta here.
This had been going on way to long so I took up the habit of just hanging up whenever someone starts saying some stupid ****. The boss wasn’t too happy about this but didn’t care enough to say anything until an incident where I hung up on someone who wanted that boneless pizza and he called back mad because he actually wanted to order.
So I get a stern talking-to from boss man and he sends a message to the company’s group chat app saying: “I know we’ve been getting more prank calls than usual, but please don’t follow in certain people’s footsteps and just hang up on them. Take the calls as seriously as possible. If they order something we can’t make, calmly explain it to them and offer them something we do actually sell. We want to try to make money off of them even if they’re acting silly.”
So the very next call is where the fun starts.
“Thank you for calling, what can I get you?”
“I’m soooooo hungry, can I get an extra-extra-extra-extra large pizza with triple every topping”
“I’m sorry ma’am, we can only go up to one extra and double each topping”
“Hmmmm ok then. Can I get twenty XL’s of each meat y’all have. So like 20 pepperoni, 20 sausage, etcetera”
These people are obviously high as hell and giggling in the background the whole time “Sure, give me a sec to ring it all up… Ok so that’s 180 pizzas, the total will be $1000 (don’t remember the actual price but close enough) and it’ll take about 3 hours” “Awesome thanks! We’ll pay with a check when we get there dial tone”
So I place the order, and not 30 seconds later I hear “What the actual ****?” from the boss and he runs to the computer, “How are they paying for this?” he asks me.
“They said with a check, we do still take checks for orders over $200 right?”.
“They can’t have been serious, was this a prank call.”
“Not sure boss, you said take all calls seriously.”
He just grumbles and picks up the phone and calls the customer, and all I hear is super loud laughter as he hangs up.
Meanwhile, other employees have started actually making the ridiculous order not noticing anything weird about it. So by the time the boss finishes the call and cancels the order on the computer, there are already five XL pepperoni pizzas in the oven.
So we got free dinner for everyone working that night as well as another message in the group chat app simply saying “in regards to my last message, please just use good judgement when taking orders”.”
Take a look at what people had to say about this.
One person seemed pretty confused by this story.
Another Reddit user shared how they used to get free pizza.
And this individual talked about what it takes to a good boss.
Definitely malicious compliance at its very finest.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, business, cooking, customer service, food, jobs, malicious compliance, picture, pizza, reddit, restaurants, top, work, working

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