December 19, 2023 at 12:57 am

Employee Complains That Coworker Comes Late To Work, So He Starts Showing Up Earlier Than Her And Taking Her Prized Parking Spot

by Ryan McCarthy

Source: Reddit/AITA

No one likes a snitch, especially at work. Is someone else being a minute late really affecting your day that much you have to go to the boss?

Well apparently for this user’s coworker, him arriving two minutes late because of terrible traffic in their city was just too much for her to bear! Hopefully telling their boss was worth it though, because he got his revenge soon enough!

I took a coworker’s parking spot after they complained i was arriving late.

My commute to work got progressively longer and unpredictable over the past year due to 4 bridge closures occurring within months or weeks of each other.

No date has been given for their reopening, so for the time being, short of heading off for work an hour or two ahead of time, you risk arriving a minute to 5 minutes late once or twice a week.

However, despite this incredibly inconvenient traffic situation (4 bridges closing in one year?), one of this man’s coworkers felt the need to complain.

One coworker, though, didn’t care about legitimate reasons for my being slightly late for work every now and then, and complained so adamantly behind my back about it that my immediate supervisor reluctantly wrote me up.

I knew it had to be that one coworker because they would get noticeably irritated whenever traffic conditions were brought up. They would leave the room, loudly interrupt with unimportant questions or comments, or roll their eyes.

There’s always someone that has to be the goody-two shoes, as if they think they’ll get some sort of prize by throwing everyone else under the bus! Regardless, this man woke up extra early to satisfy this woman’s request, when he found something interesting.

My arrival time is now anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes before my shift starts.

That’s when I noticed the annoying coworker always arrives about 10 minutes early and always has a very convenient street parking space available.

I used to park on a different side of our building before traffic got bad, and had never noticed that they’d unofficially claimed that public parking spot as theirs.

So he saw a golden opportunity not only to get the perfect parking spot, but stick it to the woman who had made him get up so early!

Most of the time, I’m at work early enough to get my pick of any spot in our always crowded employee parking lot, but no parking spot other than theirs makes up for my having to wake up at 530 in the morning.

That coworker can’t complain about my being late now. I’ve mentioned my arrival time to other coworkers with them in earshot, so they know I’m parking there out of spite.

But it wasn’t enough just to take that sweet parking space, he really had to stick it to her!

I’ve also gone as far as parking right in the middle of a space large enough to accommodate their car and mine.

Looks like this woman should have just minded her business, and maybe she still would have had her precious parking space!

Reddit loved his petty revenge on this snitching coworker, and it reminded this user how thankful he was that his job had flexible working hours!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This man suggested he ask to adjust his hours, so he could get paid to come in early and still get to keep the best parking spot!

Source: Reddit/AITA

And some, like this user, were inspired by his pettiness, and suggested that he really rub salt in the wound by thanking her for her parking space! Now that is evil!

Source: Reddit/AITA

Look like sometimes snitches get stitches, and sometimes they get their parking space stolen right out from under their noses!

Good for this guy!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.