December 18, 2023 at 9:52 am

‘It took them a full month to catch onto us.’ – School Creates Clueless Detention Policy And High School Students Take Full Advantage

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/@Vio_Amethyst

I wish I would’ve thought of this when I was in high school…

Because this kid and their friend had it all figured out!

I bet they’ll go on to work for NASA or something because they’re so smart…

Check out this story from Reddit’s “Malcious Compliance” page, we think you’ll be impressed!

If you’re late to school, you get half an hour of detention.

“This policy was enacted by my high school in my last few years.

The policy was clear.

Once classes started the gates were shut, and if you arrived late, you had to sign in at the office.

This gave them a list of kids to pick out at the end of the day, and we would have to sit in detention for half an hour.

But it was only ever half an hour – no matter how late you were.

Let’s take our time!

Cue me and my best friend enjoying our extended lie-ins in the morning, then walking into town to hit up McDonalds or Subway for breakfast, before casually strolling in between two and three hours late, signing in, and just happily accepting the extra half an hour detention at the end of the day.

And they enjoyed this for quite a while.

It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us.

At which point the late policy was changed and we were given a full week’s worth of detention each – which A) absolutely did not make up for the time lost, and B) was well worth it for the best month of high school we’d ever had.

It’s safe to say the two rebel teenagers won that round.”

Check out what people had to say about this.

One person talked about their high school experience.

Source: Reddit/@Vio_Amethyst

Another individual shared their own story.

Source: Reddit/@Vio_Amethyst

This person said they wouldn’t have been able to do this in their small town.

Source: Reddit/@Vio_Amethyst

Another Reddit user had a different situation.

Source: Reddit/@Vio_Amethyst

And this reader talked about what happened when they were routinely missing classes.

Source: Reddit/@Vio_Amethyst

Malicious compliance at its finest.

Great work!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.