Half-Sister Called Her Pathetic And Said She Didn’t Care About Her, So She Refused To Go To Her Wedding When Invited
by Trisha Leigh
Family is more than blood or genetics – it’s supposed to be the people who love and care about you, who are always in your corner, no matter what.
Sometimes, for reasons of their own, people just aren’t into it.
OP’s half-sister lost her father at a young age, and was of no mind to accept a step- or half-family in the years that followed.
My half sister and I share a mom. She’s 9 years older than me (17f). Her dad died when she was 5, mom remarried to my dad when she was 8 and got pregnant with me straight away.
Until I was 10 I thought she was the best person ever and I wanted us to have a relationship like my friends had with their siblings. But she has rejected me as “not being her real sister” from day one.
She also rejects my dad as anything other than “my mother’s f— buddy” and she has called him that to his face and in front of other people.
My dad always lets it slide and mom will tell her we’re a family, to which my half sister will say she’s family but my dad and I are not.
When I was 6 my brother was stillborn when mom was about 6 months pregnant with him. She had grandma come over to watch my half sister and me while she was in the hospital and we were told something happened to our brother.
I was really upset because I had been so excited and wanted comfort from my half sister. She told me to grow the f— up and stay away from her. She also told me it was a shame the same thing didn’t happen when mom was expecting me.
Grandma was horrified and told her she would regret saying that but my half sister told her she wouldn’t regret saying that about someone she didn’t love.
OP tried over and over to win her sister’s love, but nothing worked.
The breaking point was that Christmas when I was 10. She decided to stay with a different family member for Christmas but did show up to our grandparents for Christmas Day celebrations.
I was excited to see her and thought the fact she showed up meant she might like me now. But after I had tried talking to her she turned on me and said she didn’t give a **** about me or my life and did not want me to know anything about hers.
She called me pathetic and asked why she would care about someone like me. She told me if she could turn back time she would have begged for mom to have an abortion with me because I was disgusting.
It was that point where I think I hit the point where I was like you know what, fine.
Over the last 7 years I have seen her maybe 3 times. She avoids being where I will be and she has made it clear to mom that if mom wants to see her, dad and I are not welcome and we are not invited into her life.
So, when her sister wanted her at her wedding for reasons of vanity, OP had a strong reaction.
Except now she’s getting married and she invited me and wanted me there because questions were asked. Mom was so happy when my half sister told her she really wanted me there.
Mom was so eager to tell me. My half sister even showed up to invite me personally. But I told her I would not go.
She explained she needed me and why and I told her I will not make her look better by showing up. I said she wants me d—, I don’t want her in my life, it’s as simple as that.
Her mother thinks they should kiss and makeup.
Mom cried that we’re siblings and I told her I lost my only sibling when my brother was stillborn.
That he would have been my only sibling, because my half sister sure as shit wasn’t a sibling for me.
She made it clear many times over she did not want to be.
My half sister and mom both feel I’m really in the wrong.
I bet Reddit has other opinions on the matter.
The top comment says OP does not owe her sister anything.
This person thinks the sister needs more than a little therapy.
But this commenter says the sister has to want to help herself.
Mom is the one who should have gotten the girl help a long time ago.
And this person doesn’t think there’s any going back.
This is absolutely appalling behavior from sister and mom.
OP would be better off backing away.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parent’s 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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