Uncle Expects His Niece To Give Up Her Room For The Night, But She Gets Revenge By Blocking The Door So Nobody Can Get In
by Trisha Leigh
In some families, there is an expectations that when family comes to stay, kids have to give up their rooms if adults need the space.
Some kids aren’t okay with that.
OP was born abroad and lives in a small home now with her parents.
Backstory: I (15F) was born in Madrid, Spain to Spanish parents but we immigrated to the U.S. when I was 1 and we’ve lived here since.
We do go back to visit my grandparents and what not but this year, they came to us.
I live in a small, 2 bedroom house with my parents. I’m an only child so I get one room to myself and my parents get the other.
This isn’t enough space for my grandparents plus my uncle and his wife and kids.
She feels that no one is entitled to her space – especially not relatives trying to travel on the cheap.
My grandparents booked a hotel near to our house but my uncle is too cheap for that.
He wants ME to give up my room for his kids while he and his wife sleep on an inflatable bed beside them in my room.
I explained that I have sleeping issues and would appreciate keeping my room.
He kept insisting and annoying my parents about it till they finally caved in and told me to sleep on the couch in the living room.
So, she took matters into her own hands.
I didn’t want to give up my room, so when night time came last night I rolled my bed to the door and locked it for extra security so they couldn’t get in.
OF course, they were upset and tried to get more to open the door and let them in but I didn’t budge. I kept my room for the entire night.
Morning time, I wake up expecting a row. Basically, I got yelled at for having a ‘tantrum’ and not making a small sacrifice.
I understand what I did seems like a tantrum but I don’t feel like they are entitled to my room.
I pointed out that my grandparents got a hotel and that they could have done the same. AITA?
Was she being a petulant teen or does she have a point? Let’s hear Reddit’s verdict!
The top commenter says kids shouldn’t be expected to give up their rooms in the first place.
But this person doesn’t seen anything wrong with teaching kids to be good hosts.
They can see both sides, to be honest.
This commenter says the kid has a right to set their own boundaries around their space.
People’s opinions are all over the board.
As a polite Midwesterner, I would have been angry had my kid pulled this.
But maybe I’m just old and cranky.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parent’s 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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