Petty Girlfriend Asked Her Boyfriend’s Sister Why His Family Doesn’t Like Her. All She Could Do Is Laugh.
by Matthew Gilligan
Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.
Yes, it can be a rude response, but let’s get real…some people deserve it!
Was this woman out of line for how she responded to her brother’s girlfriend?
Let’s see what the heck is going on here…
AITA for laughing at my brother’s girlfriend after she asked me why none of us like her?
“My (20f)’s brother (Mark-23m) has been with his girlfriend (22f-Jane) for a year.
She is one of the most passive-aggressive, snarky people you will ever meet.
Her middle name is ‘Petty’.
They have reason to not like her.
The thing that caused our family to keep her at arm’s length, was when she got mad at our mum for accommodating our younger sister’s autism and not force-feeding her as well as allowing her to read at the table (something that calms her down).
She got on mum’s case for ‘enabling an entitled brat’.
Another example was when my mum supported Mark’s decision to get the tattoo he had been saving up for, for years.
Jane proceeded to call mum up to complain that he made the deposit (with his hard earned, saved money) and had an appointment set.
She told mum that was wasn’t going to allow this ‘emotional incest’ anymore and that she’s happy to make an appointment for all of us for family therapy as this ‘enmeshment’ is making her uncomfortable.
She sounds like a real gem!
She has continued to make comments like these, specifically to mum and it’s disgusting how little respect she has for pretty much everyone but herself. She’s not been invited to Christmas this year but Mark is. It’s unclear what they’re planning to do yet.
A few days ago, Jane called me as mum had blocked her. She said she was 3 months pregnant and went on a long rant about the family dynamic.
She then asked ‘why don’t you all like me?’
What an absurd question!
I laughed out of pure shock and asked if she was serious. She didn’t even respond, just said ‘I’ll call you when you’re in the mood to be more mature.’ and hung up.
I told mum about the situation and she’s on my side but Mark is fuming at me for laughing at Jane’s question and angry at mum for being on my side.
Mum just told him that he needs to talk to Jane about her constant comments and insults and she’s expecting an apology.
Mark won’t talk to me and Jane blocked my number.
Here’s what folks said on Reddit.
This person said she’s NTA and her brother should have dropped this girl a while ago.
Another reader made a good point.
This individual wouldn’t have stood for this kind of behavior.
Another reader said her brother’s GF sounds like a nightmare.
That was a reality check!
Ask and you shall receive!
Want to read another story where somebody got satisfying revenge? Check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, boyfriend, drama, family, girlfriend, reddit, relationships, top, white text
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