Tesla Driver Parked Near A Charging Station Thoughtlessly Blocked Access To A Nearby Handicapped Spot
by Matthew Gilligan
This story hits on a couple of different things that get people annoyed…
Electric vehicles AND people taking handicapped parking spots that don’t belong to them!
A man posted a video showing a woman in a wheelchair who couldn’t get into her car because she was blocked by a Tesla.
The driver apparently thought it would be okay to park their car there to use an electric vehicle charger.
The man said, “I 100% think you have a right to complain because that’s your vehicle in a handicap spot, this is a Tesla parked in a non-Tesla or any parking spot.”
The man continued his tirade and said, “This is some ******** bro, you just screwed a handicapped person from getting into their vehicle so you could charge your Tesla when I know there’s probably more and ample places you could’ve done it.”
He added, “Do better. This is Minnesota, not nice.”
Check out the video.
@jonny2lobes Tesla Parking Fail #nope #notMNnice #mn #badparking #handicap #parkingwars #dobetter #tesla #incondsiderate #cantparkthere #noparking #fail #parkingfail #jonny2lobes #j2l #2LobesEnt #fyp #teslaparkingfail #teslafail #teslano
Here’s how people reacted.
One viewer shared some advice.
Another person offered an additional tip.
And one person educated some viewers.
I hope that person got a hefty ticket!
What a jerk!
If you liked that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who gave two weeks notice… so his employer disabled his truck when he was 300 miles from home!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · america's top young scientist, auto, cars, handicapped, handicapped parking, tesla, tiktok, video, viral

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