He Called His Smelly Friend Out In Front of a Group of People, But Some Say It Should Have Been Done In Private
by Matthew Gilligan
I understand little kids not knowing that they probably don’t smell too great, but a guy in his late teens?
Come on, bro!
You should be out there livin’ it up, havin’ fun, partying, and trying to pick up guys or girls, whatever your preference might be.
But this character Jack obviously isn’t getting the message.
Was his friend wrong for telling other folks that he STINKS?
Read on and see what you think.
AITA for telling my friend he smells in front of our friends?
“My friend (19M) has always had a problem with his hygiene.
Let’s call him Jack.
Jack would tell me how long he hasn’t showered for as if it was a good thing, and brag about how he “doesn’t smell at all after this long.”
I (20M) have spoken to him about it but he always tells me it’s good for his skin if he doesn’t shower for a week or two.
Recently, he’s been starting to smell worse than he did before.
Every time I tried to address this to him he tells me that he’s trying to get to one month without showering and that I need to get my “nose checked” because he smells fine.
A few days ago it was one of my friends birthday, and since we’re in the same friend group they invited me and Jack to their house, and the other members of our friend group.
It was pretty fun, chatting, hanging out and watching movies but Jack smelled SO bad.
What is that smell?
And I could tell that my friends noticed because they kept mentioning a “musty” smell in the house but didn’t know what it was.
Near the end of our little hangout my friends were clearly getting horribly affected by the smell of Jack.
One of my friends said “I think it’s one of us” as a joke.
Here’s where I messed up.
I laughed at his joke and said “I know exactly who it is. Jack’s trying to reach his one month goal of not showering again. Not even joking.”
Uh oh…
At that point my friends realized the source of the smell was coming from Jack.
My friend group is pretty ruthless so they started making all types of jokes about him while laughing like maniacs at each one.
And I’m not gonna lie, I was laughing like one too.
Jack obviously wasn’t pleased and just left.
The next day Jack had blocked me on everything. I mean i do feel a little bad but at least this might’ve been a wake up call for him to shower.
And here’s how people reacted.
This reader said he’s NTA.
Another person agreed.
This Reddit user shared their thoughts.
One individual chimed in.
And this person said he’s NTA.
Dude…take a shower…
It’s time.
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