July 20, 2024 at 4:21 pm

Her Friend Told Her She’s Worried About How Her Anxiety Issues Will Affect Her Wedding, So She Said She Wasn’t Going To The Wedding Now

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pixabay

I feel bad for people who have terrible social anxiety and can’t deal with it when there are a lot of eyes on them at an event.

It sucks!

But I also think that sometimes you have to power through certain situations no matter how uncomfortable they are.

The woman who wrote this story on Reddit clearly has some big issues and she wants to know if she was out of line for how she handled this situation.

Check out what she had to say…

AITA for not attending my best friend’s wedding?

“My friend [27/f] asked me [28/f] to be one of her bridesmaids for her wedding.

She was my maid of honor two years ago, and before that, we’d always say we’d be each other’s maid of honor (we’ve been friends for 20 years).

She wasn’t expecting this.

When she asked me to be a bridesmaid, it stung a bit, to be honest, but seeing as she has a twin sister that she is close to, it made sense that she should be her maid of honor.

The issue I really had with this is that at one point, before I did barely anything as a bridesmaid, she told me, “You don’t have to stand with the other bridesmaid’s during the wedding.”

Her friend finally told her the truth.

I found it weird that she was saying that, but I replied, “no, I want to be there with all of you”. After a bit of back and forth, she admitted she doesn’t want me standing there with everyone because of my fear of being the center of attention and my social anxiety.

She was worried that I would have a panic attack just like I did standing there at my own wedding.

Honestly, it was bad during my wedding because I was shaking and couldn’t breathe, and everyone’s terrified reaction made it even worse for me.


I had to leave and come back to just me, my husband, and my mother to continue our vows and such while everyone else moved on to the reception. I couldn’t even go join them until I was intoxicated enough to not feel embarrassed.

I’ve been to therapy since then and have made huge progress regarding my social anxiety and my best friend knows this. I felt hurt that she didn’t trust me enough to let me stand with the others.

I told her I was so much calmer and less anxious now, and I won’t even be the center of attention like I was when I was the bride. She said she acknowledged my improvement but just doesn’t want to take chances.

She said she doesn’t want to embarrass me again and that she would just feel worried about me the whole time, and was also worried that I would ruin the mood of the wedding if I did happen to have a panic attack.

She made a big decision.

I eventually told her that I’d just rather be a guest if I can’t do all the bridesmaid stuff. On the day of her wedding, I was just so sick to my stomach with hurt and sadness that I was merely going as a guest to her wedding that I just decided not to go because I felt so left out.

Now she is very mad at me for making her feel bad at her wedding. She thinks I was trying to hurt her and make her feel guilty because of what she thinks was a reasonable request. I didn’t mean to hurt her but I just couldn’t go because I was overwhelmed with hurt.

The people I’ve talked to are all divided on who is the ******* in this situation. I feel bad for ruining her mood on her wedding day but I still feel what she asked of me was hurtful.

AITA in this situation?”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This reader said a mouthful.

Source: Reddit

Another Reddit user said she’s an *******.

Source: Reddit

This individual spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit

And this person also said she’s an *******.

Source: Reddit

Yikes…this woman needs some help ASAP!

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