His Neighbors Wanted To Party And Didn’t Care About His Sleep, So He Showed Them How Being Woken Up Really Felt
by Trisha Leigh
When you live in an apartment or condo, or anywhere you share space and/or walls with others, you have to try to be a little considerate of other people’s schedules.
If you don’t want to do that, you may as well just buy a house.
This guy had a job that forced him to get up early, but his neighbors would party late into the night.
Find out how he convinced them to see things from his perspective.
My neighbors partied and kept me awake.
Years ago I lived in a classic Southern California apartment complex. The kind that is two stories high and all have balconies or porches if you are on the ground floor.
At the time I worked in a grocery store and could have shifts that started as early as 03:30.
When I had that shift on weekends sleep could be hard to come by due to various gatherings around the apartment complex.
He tried to be cool.
I usually would not say anything about noise until 23:00 on weeknights and 00:00 on weekends. A new couple moved in right above us and were incredibly noisy at all times.
They hosted a party on Friday and Saturday night. Since they had just moved in I decided to let it go and not be “that” neighbor.
But the neighbors went out of their way to be jerks.
The next weekend it happened again and on Friday night about midnight, I went outside and looked up at the people on the balcony and asked if they could quiet down.
They mostly complied and I went to bed.
The next night they were at it again and this time when I went out to ask them to be quiet I got a lot of “frick you” and “just go back inside.”
I did. I figured that I would wait for a better time to actually meet the upstairs neighbors.
The next Friday afternoon rolls around and I can tell they are getting ready to have another party.
They see me and start giving me grief and letting me know that I had better not complain etc. The party wrapped up around 01:30.
Saturday night was worse. They were still partying when I left for work at 03:00. I heard some parting shots as I walked to my car.
So, he baked some cupcakes.
I knew I had to act but I did not know. Then slowly a plan emerged and I knew what I was going to do.
I baked cupcakes for the new neighbors.
I waited until Thursday morning at 02:45. I took the plate of cupcakes to the neighbors. I went to their door and police knocked.
The door opened and he was mad. He started to say something and then he looked up. He was about 5’6″ and I am 6’1″ tall.
He was slight and I probably weight about 175 pounds.
I just put my best neighborly grin on my face and held out the plate of cupcakes.
He regained some composure and starts to angrily ask me what I was doing. then he said my favorite line, “Do you know what time it is? I have to get up for work in a few hours. Frick, you are rude.”
It took him a minute to get it.
Once again I held out the cupcakes and said, “I am so sorry I just figured that you are always up at this time since I see you every weekend.”
It was then that it clicked in his feeble mind what I was getting at. He accepted the cupcakes.
I fully thought that I would have to do this again but he seemed to have learned his lesson. After that, most parties wrapped up by 00:30.
This could have gone differently.
I wonder if Reddit approves of how he handled it.
He could have taken it one step further.
That guy was awfully trusting!
Not the polka music!
I’m sure it didn’t hurt.
Some people are just a little slow.
You love to see the second chance to get it right.
Maybe they even went on to be friends!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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