Neighbor’s Barking Dogs Drive Them To The Brink, So They Take Matters Into Their Own Hands
by Diana Whelan
Dealing with barking, reactive dogs next door is a real treat, especially when the neighbors are just as rude.
But when one homeowner had enough, they decided it was time to reclaim their yard and serve up a dish of petty revenge.
With some well-timed play sessions and a few choice words, this suburban showdown got a lot more interesting.
Read on for the story!
my neighbor cursed me for using my own yard. well I’m going to use it even more.
So, I have lived in a townhouse for the last three years. I live with my husband and two 60 lb dogs.
For a bit of background, I got attacked by a dog just before my neighbors moved in 2.5 years ago.
Which left me with a fear of strange animals up until recently when I was able to work through my trauma with my therapist.
My neighbors have 4 loud and reactive dogs 3 Chihuahuas and 1 Australian Shepard, which charges the fence whenever they see someone on the other side and barks constantly.
This had prevented me from using my back yard for the last two summers.
That’s fair!
Now that I have worked past the panic attacks and fear I am spending a majority of weekends in my yard and let my dogs go back and forth freely from the yard.
My dogs have been well socialized and don’t have any interest in the fence when the other dogs are reacting.
Up until yesterday when the neighbors dogs come out I would bring my dogs inside but it would still mean a minute or so for their dogs to calm down.
I would let my dogs back outside to play when the neighbors go back in. This was no big deal to me.
Now cue Sunday. The neighbors let their dogs out. They react, I bring my dogs in. Same old routine.
Except my neighbor curses me under her breath “keep your ****ing door shut.” (This is not the first time they have been rude either).
Rather unnecessary, don’t ya think?
This gets under my skin considering her dogs reactivity is the reason I did not feel comfortable in my own backyard, and it is not my dogs who are reactive.
Plus I have always been the one to bring my dogs in, not the neighbor.
So I’ve started to be a bit petty, now when the neighbor lets their dogs out, I stay out and play fetch with my dogs while her animals are going apesh*t, instead of bringing my dogs inside as I have always done.
My dogs love it because they are getting more exercise than before.
That’ll show her.
It’s only been three days and my neighbor is exasperated and has to chase her dogs around the garden. (Side note, they have another dog on the opposite side of them which they are equally reactive to, as well).
I have patio furniture being delivered tomorrow and I fully expect to enjoy my yard to the fullest this summer.
After a week or two I’ll probably put up a visual blockade so her dogs can’t see mine to be nice but I’m not going to restrict my well trained animals for her untrained ones any longer.
Don’t appreciate my courtesy, I won’t give it.
And you shouldn’t have to.
Update: Neighbors decided to cuss me out and tell me to go inside last night. I said no, but put the dogs inside because the neighbors were being aggressive.
They said our dogs should be able to be outside to, go inside. I said your dogs reactivity is not my problem and they are more then welcome to use your yard.
The fact they can’t stop charging the fence long enough to whiz is your issue and stood in the middle of my yard.
They shouted at me to “get the **** inside.” I told them “make me” (a bit childish I know) One told to “meet them out front” I said” no, if you want something from me climb over this fence yourself.”
They yelled a bit more and I didn’t respond and they went inside after a minute. I think the neighbors have finally cracked a bit and it’s only week 1.
Not proud and honestly don’t want to deal with this nonsense but I’m not going to bend to a bully.
She’s DONE trying to be considerate. From now on, it’s her yard, her rules.
What did Reddit think of this petty revenge?
This person thinks the reaction is pretty awesome.
This person just feels bad for the neighbor’s pups.
And this person think she should actually kick the revenge UP a notch.
Looks like the neighbor’s bark was worse than their bite.
You have to feel badly for the dogs, though.
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