Petty Neighbor Was Incredibly Annoying For 20 Years, So He Finally Found A Hilarious Way To Get Back At Him
by Jayne Elliott
Dealing with neighbors who do petty things but act innocent sounds very frustrating.
In today’s story, after dealing with an annoying neighbor for 20 years, his next door neighbor finally found the perfect way to get his own petty revenge.
Let’s see how the story develops…
Neighbor has long history of petty things: so I rotate a few fans 90 degrees.
I used to live on the edge of a farm and people used to rent my space out, this is important.
My neighbor Bob is a nice enough guy to your face. Self-proclaimed morally upstanding religions man, occasional petition to make some changes to state government to his world view, and all around chatty when I have the infrequent pleasure to bump into him.
Except he’s a dingus and does petty stuff all the time I don’t think he’s aware that I know he does.
While some are aggravating, most are perplexing, and barely illegal and wouldn’t be worth my effort to get the law involved.
OP shares multiple examples of Bob’s stories…
These are his stories:
Once he spent all day Saturday loading leaves onto a flatbed trailer.
Now Bob has a lot of property. Where does he put the leaves? He pulls out of his driveway, just gets past the corner of my front yard (note I have more property where the grass ends ) and hits the gas.
Leaves blow off to both sides of the road. He turns around at the corner and pulls back into his driveway.
Another example involves trees…
Once had an apprentice surveyor come and “practice” surveying skills to mark the line. Said because he wasn’t official it wasn’t, but it was 99% correct on it.
Bob goes out one day and moves the markers off his driveway. I took pictures of the locations and made a note.
Planted poppel trees (fast growing) just on my side of the line fence, so they’d provide coverage for his pine trees to grow.
I was annoyed, but figured if they gave me quicker coverage from him I’d just deal with it. They have since gotten huge and some are dying off.
I saw Bob outside once and asked him about the limbs falling, and he said they were on my side so not much he can do.
Every time I picked up limbs I just tossed back to his yard and they’d eventually disappear to his burn pile –would you guess, is sitting at the corner of our property together.
Another example involves using OP’s driveway…
Bob had a delivery of a huge piece of equipment. Because his driveway is small and not really usable for the long bed delivery truck, he told the delivery guy to just park and unload in my wide driveway, making big ruts because of the weight of the machinery.
To the delivery driver’s credit, he didn’t know any better. He said the neighbor said it was fine he used my driveway.
OP shared an example involving dead deer.
Would get “block permits” to kill deer on his property, than dump the corpses deep in the woods justtttt this side of my property.
He knows where the line is.
Bob even got his son involved.
One time I heard a bunch of noise early one morning. Bob’s 12 year old son at the time has a tractor with a piece of equipment backed up to my garbage bag pile by the road (trash coming in a few hours), and there’s a bag hanging off the edge of the equipment.
Son is jamming the raise/lower lever to try and shake the bag loose.
I called out and asked what he was doing and went out to see.
Bob’s son froze, and I asked him what was it.
He wouldn’t say.
OP looked in the bag and had a message for Bob’s son to give his dad.
I opened the bag to find a deer head with maggots on it. Bob didn’t want this in his trash (and it’s illegal) so decided to just put it in mine.
I told Bob Jr. to tell his dad if he did this again he’d find it in his swimming pool and made his son take it back home.
Bob never said anything about it.
This is all I can think of at the top of my head, but I think you get his quasi-innocent, if not extremely annoying things he does. Petty some would say.
OP has been putting up with Bob for 20 years, and now it’s his turn for petty revenge.
So fast forward 20 something years of this, and I a strike a deal to let Farmer John put up some grain bins at my house, which happen to be the farthest point from my house and next to Bob’s property, at the corner where his house is at.
These have huge fans. When they’re doing the constructing, John mentions they would rather point them west–towards Bob’s house–and not north, because it would be more convenient to them as the fans protrude out a bit from the bins, but didn’t want to sour my relationship with Bob.
I assure him Bob and I have a special relationship, and I insist he points them to the West because Bob wouldn’t care.
Bob confronted OP about the fans.
Fast forward months and John actually uses grain bins, which he typically runs the fans at night when it’s cool.
The first morning after Bob knocks on my door and says he heard the fans last night, and said he didn’t realize they would be pointing towards his property, his house, and where his bedroom face.
I said I didn’t really think about it, and just told them to put them where it would work best for them.
Bob asked if they could be moved, and I said not without a crane rental, a team of men, and several days worth of labor: I offered to get him a quote.
Bob just mumbled that’s Ok and left.
Every time the fans ran after that, it was the peaceful gentle white noise in the distance to lull me right to sleep.
I wonder what Bob is going to do next. Even though he got a taste of his own medicine, he’s probably not done being petty.
Let’s see what Reddit thinks…
This reader wish’s OP’s revenge was even worse.
Another reader thinks OP needs to take legal action.
This person warns that Bob sounds psycho.
Another reader agrees that Bob could be capable of much worse.
I’d be careful getting revenge on a neighbor who does so many petty things.
You never know what the neighbor will do next.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · driveway, grain bins, neighbors, next door neighbor, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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