July 16, 2024 at 4:26 am

Rude Roommate Wouldn’t Clean Up After Herself, So She Made Sure Her Room Was Disgusting As Possible

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit

I’ve said it before but it’s time to sing it from the mountaintops again…

Having a dirty roommate SUCKS.

But have no fear!

This woman came up with the perfect solution if you ever find yourself in a situation like this.

Check it out!

I got tired of cleaning up after my roommate.

“I (24F) was renting a room from a friend in his (26M) 3BR house. He was looking for a 3rd roommate to help with bills, and he moves in an 18y/o(F) that he met and hooked up with once, the week prior.

This didn’t sound good.

She was awful. A pathological liar, thief, had disgusting habits, neglected her cat. I could go on. I was always cleaning up after her, especially in the kitchen.

She’d make big meals, hardly touch them, and leave them in the pot she cooked them in either on the stovetop or in the fridge for days at time. I was always reminding her to clean up, then eventually doing it for her because she’d be gone for days at a time.


But this particular scenario pushed me over the edge.

She had a week old meal rotting uncovered in the fridge that I’d already been nagging her about, and I knew she was about to leave for a few days.

I reminded her to take care of it before she left, and then I leave to work.

Of course when I get home, she’s gone but the mess is not.

I started seeing red.

So I pick up the pot, all her dirty dishes, her full litter box, laundry, and I put it all over her bed and bedroom floor.

It could not be in my sight any longer, and it smelled so bad in her room by the time she returned.

She never said a word, and I made the rest of her time living there miserable!”

This is what readers on Reddit said about this story.

This reader has been there…

Source: Reddit

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

This person talked about their living situation…

Source: Reddit

Another reader was impressed.

Source: Reddit

She had it coming!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁