She Made Her Hungry Niece A Meal, But Gets Yelled At By The “Stepmother” For Overstepping Familial Boundaries
by Heather Hall
Living in a home with other family members can be both a blessing and a curse.
You want to help where you can but also don’t want to overstep your boundaries.
What would you do if your niece or nephew were hungry and their parents were asleep? Would you let them choose food?
Or would you make them wait?
In the following story, a woman made food for her niece, only to be yelled at by the “stepmother.”
Let’s take a look.
AITA for trying to feed my niece?
My fiance, myself, our two toddlers, his parents, his brother, his brother’s girlfriend, and his brother’s daughter all live in a house we rent.
Obviously it’s not ideal, we are going our “separate ways” in March.
I’ve been engaged to my fiance for four years in September, so in his parents and everybody else’s eyes I am his wife.
Different strokes for different folks, and this can also relate to personality.
We will call my brother-in-law’s girlfriend B for the sake of anonymity. B has been causing drama since she’s lived with us.
She’s been with G (brother-in-law) for a year now and has lived with us since they’ve been official.
I’ve known G’s daughter since she was 3, she is almost 8 now. I changed her diapers, I babysat her, etc.
She is my niece whether I’m legally married to her uncle or not. She is one of my babies right beside my actual kids.
Anyway, long story short, B is extremely controlling and thinks that because she’s dating my niece’s father, that makes her the mother.
Even though my niece’s real mother is in the picture and gets her for two to three weeks every two to three weeks.
Parenting styles can also differ.
She has a way more strict ideation of what a child should do when it comes to eating.
She forces my niece to eat the leftovers she doesn’t want if she gets hungry, etc.
The family reunion is this weekend and we have a bunch of guests staying over.
While my children were watching a movie in the other room, I sat down to watch some Ted with our guests.
My niece sat down in between two of the guests and started dozing off.
I asked her if she wanted to go upstairs and nap with her dad and B and she said “I’m hungry.”
I immediately got up and was like “Okay, what do you want to eat, baby?”
Children are often easy to please when they choose the food.
Her and I went to the cupboard and she pointed at a box of Mac n cheese my fiance had just bought for our kids, the SpongeBob shaped noodles.
I thought nothing of it, whatever she didn’t eat I could put in the fridge and my two girls could have it as a snack or a side for lunch tomorrow, no biggie.
So I start boiling water to make the Mac n cheese and my niece’s dad and B finally come downstairs.
I said “I’m making “I” (we will call my niece “I”) some Mac n cheese.”
With some people, their way is the only way.
Her dad said “Okay that’s cool. Thank you.”
And B goes “I literally told her she could have leftover pizza for dinner.”
I stupidly said “Maybe she just doesn’t want it?”
Confused, she begins to question her decision.
Am I wrong for trying to feed my niece?
In the end, she ate the entire box of mac n cheese AND a banana after.
Did I cross a boundary I didn’t even know was set?
B does nothing but trash talk my niece because she hates kids, even her interactions with my children make me clench my jaw.
Yikes! She was only trying to help. It sounds like B needs a reality check.
Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about this ordeal.
This person wouldn’t play around with the girlfriend.
The BIL really should make boundaries.
This person thinks an ultimatum is needed.
This is really good advice for the dad.
This is so true!
There’s nothing wrong with feeding a hungry child.
The girlfriend should stay in her lane.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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