A Tow Truck Driver Was Caught On Camera Damaging A Car And Then Driving Away
by Matthew Gilligan
I guess not all tow truck drivers are trained equally…
A woman named Gia posted a video on TikTok and showed viewers what happened when a tow truck driver clearly wasn’t up to the job.
The text overlay on the video reads, “Saw the tow truck trying to hook the car but was doing it so fast and started to cause traffic and then this!”
The video shows the truck towing a car away. The car suddenly rolled off the hitch and the bumper flew off!
The tow truck driver lifted the car again, it fell again, and they finally got the vehicle rigged up correctly before they drove away…without the bumper.
Take a look at her video.
@gia_pc7 #fyp #towtruckstories #repoman #repomandontplay #towtruckdriver #towtruck #towlife #hessorrynotsorry
Gia posted a follow-up video and said she gave the video to the neighbor who had his car towed.
Good thinking!
I have a feeling he’s gonna need that…
@gia_pc7 #fyp #towtruckstories #towtruckfail #repo #towtruckdriver #update #sorryhesnotsorry
And this is how folks reacted on TikTok.
One viewer shared their thoughts.
Another person chimed in.
And this TikTokker spoke up.
I think that tow truck driver could’ve used a few more weeks of training…
Or better yet, a whole other career path.
If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!

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