Woman Defends Her Boundaries After Rude Chef Insists She Take More Food
by Ryan McCarthy
As a chef, there is no better compliment than someone asking for seconds.
But not everyone has room for seconds, no matter how good the food is.
When this woman was full after a delicious meal, she politely declined seconds.
When the chef rudely insisted she take more, and even poured food onto her plate, she put her foot down!
AITAH for making a snarky comment after my boundaries were overlooked?
Me (22F) & my girlfriend, “Lisa” (21F) were recently invited to a dinner by Lisa’s best friend, “Angela” (21F).
Angela has no family in this country and we are the only two people she knows around here.
About 7 months ago she met a guy, “Steve” (33M) and they both quickly hit it off.
Around march they started dating. This dinner was basically an event where Steve could introduce her to his family.
And with no family to invite, Angela invited her friends.
Angela had no company so she invited us.
Lisa is familiar with Steve, met him multiple times, unlike me, I saw him once or twice, but we were happy to join.
I also assumed that Steve was okay with us joining as well. Honestly, it was great, everyone had lots of fun chatting.
I didn’t speak much except when I was talked to.
The family had mom, dad and a younger brother, “John” (28M). I didn’t see John a lot because he was cooking.
The dinner was good too, I liked the food, I finished before everyone else so I was just sitting on my chair.
John maybe noticed my empty plate, so he offered me some rice dish.
As much as she would have liked to, she was too full to eat anything else!
I found the gesture really sweet but since I was full, the conversation went something like this – “Hey, would you like some rice? I made it myself.”
“That’s so sweet of you but no, thank you, I’m full.”
“I made it myself, please have some.”
“That’s nice but I am really full, so, no but thank you.”
“I made it, taste it.”
“No, thank you.”
And even after that whole exchange, John still gave her a serving of rice!
I don’t know why but he STILL poured some rice into my plate.
I lost it and made the “snarky” comment.
“Do you not know the meaning of No? Do you need a dictionary?” to which he looked taken aback.
Lisa noticed I was a bit pissed and said, “please don’t force her to have more food.”
She said so because I have had trouble in past with food, like a borderline ED, so it was a sensitive topic which we didn’t wanna discuss there.
But her comment had left things incredibly awkward.
Before things could escalate, Steve took John into his room and they both never returned.
The room was filled with awkwardness and after 5 minutes his mom left too.
So we decided that it’s best to leave and talk about this later.
Angela didn’t look angry with us but she looked disappointed and I felt bad, so we apologised to her for messing up the dinner.
Regardless, she agreed with us that John’s behavior was weird but we didn’t think much.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of the incident, because Angela came knocking on her door the very next morning!
Yesterday morning, Angela showed up at our home, telling us that his boyfriend got mad at her, yelled at her for how we treated John.
Turns out, John is autistic and not good with social cues.
That’s why he didn’t really understand the situation.
Steve mostly blamed me for not treating his brother nicely, for making the snarky comment and that I should’ve just eaten the “god***n rice.”
I do feel bad for John but at the same time I don’t think what I did was wrong either.
I’m ready to apologize for Lisa and Angela, since they both look really upset but frankly, I don’t want to.
So please tell me AITA?
He did accidentally hit on a very sensitive subject, so I understand her reaction.
But Reddit said that “No” wasn’t a subtle social cue, it was a clear statement with no ambiguous meaning!
And even this neuro-divergent user said they would have moved on after the first polite refusal.
And this user said that John didn’t “miss” the social cue, he straight up ignored it!
Finally, this user said that she had the right to set her own boundaries.
Who knew so much drama would come from a plate of rice?
Not me!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, autism, boundaries, chef, cook, eating disorder, food, picture, reddit, rude, social cues, top, weird

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