September 16, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Guy She Had Known For Years Ghosted Her Completely, So She Made A Plan With His Mom For A Very Awkward Revenge Meal

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Dating can be difficult, and people break up all the time for all sorts of different reasons.

That said, it can be really hard when someone decides to ‘ghost’ you and break up without ever telling you why.

That is what happened to this young lady, but she ended up getting a bit of very satisfying revenge.

Check it out.

Want to ghost me and then ignore me in person? Fine, I’ll talk with your parents!

In 2001-2002, I (F) dated a guy I’d known forever (went to the same church).

We were both in our early 20’s at the time.

Ouch, that hurts.

I thought things were going really well, but obviously he didn’t think so because all of a sudden he ghosted me.

We were supposed to go bowling and he canceled on me, but then wouldn’t return phone calls.

His mom even tried to find out from him what was wrong, but he wouldn’t tell her.

At the time, I volunteered one weekend a month at a fraternal organization (like the Elks, but another one) for a brunch.

I waitressed and was in charge of making coffee.

I had volunteered there since I was a teen, so most of the regulars knew me.

At least she is still comfortable with the family.

The guy’s parents, uncle, and aunt would often come there and sit in my section, so I would chat with them.

After my ex-bf ghosted me, his mom made a last-ditch attempt to get him to talk to me or at least apologize.

I know that was her plan, because she and my mom were good friends and stayed good friends even after my ex and I were no longer dating.

Anyway, his mom and dad told him they were going to take him out to brunch after church.

At this point, we were no longer going to the same church, because I had moved.

Talk about awkward.

They brought him to brunch, and even though they weren’t seated in my section I could see how uncomfortable he was just being there when he saw I was there.

At that point, I decided to make things just a little (or a lot) more difficult for him.

It was time for me to have a break and eat, and they had just been served.

I caught his mom’s eye and she gave a very small nod.

Now, at that brunch there were long tables so multiple groups sat and ate together.

If there were empty seats, all you had to do was ask if you could sit there.

So when his mom nodded, I knew we were on the same page.

Wow, bold move!

I grabbed my food and asked my ex’s parents if I could sit across from them, which happened to be the seat right next to my ex.

His mom said, “Yes, of course,” so I sat there and started talking with them.

My ex actually turned away from me and faced the person on the other side of him just so he wouldn’t have to look at me!

I stayed there, talking with his parents and had a great convo with them.

His parents were trying not to giggle at how uncomfortable their son was!

I’m sure that he didn’t live that one down for a while, if ever!

I’ve got to admit, I am curious about why he ghosted her.

Let’s see if the people in the comments have any insights.

I guess I can see this person’s point of view.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This is a good point.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Agreed, he kind of deserves it.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This seems to be the most likely explanation.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Some people just want to play the victim.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This would have been so awkward.

Honestly I think he deserved it.

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