September 6, 2024 at 3:21 pm

Annoying Middle Aged Woman Cut Through The Kid’s Queue To Get A Picture With Hello Kitty, So This Clever Woman Made Sure The Cheater Didn’t Get Her Photo

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Magda Ehlers

Some people would do anything to be problematic. Either that, or they’re so clueless they don’t know they’re the problem in the first place.

This middle-aged woman is one of those problematic people.

Find out what she did to get hated by an entire queue, and how one person took their petty revenge.

Don’t cut in front of a parent with their child and then ask us to take your photo

We lived in Japan for 2 fantastic years, and one of the things my kids loved to do was go to Universal Studios Japan (particularly the Sanrio area).

The kids can’t get enough of Hello Kitty; apparently, neither can grown-up adults.

The park was CROWDED!

Midday at the park, they dress some poor soul as Hello Kitty to come out and greet the horde of fans.

That day there were probably 100+ people surrounding the mascot.

Well, my kids wanted a picture with the huge furry feline, so I sighed, got in the back of the line, and patiently waited.

After hours, they had their chance but UH OH…

We were finally next in line when a middle-aged woman dressed in cat attire cut in front of my 6-year-old and me. We were shocked and didn’t immediately react.

Was this grown-up seriously cutting in front of a line of children?

Then before I had a chance to say anything, she turned around and asked me to take her picture with Hello Kitty.

Everyone hated the lady!

I could hear a chorus of grumbling behind us.

At this point, I was ready to throw her iPhone into the fountain, but I thought for a second, smiled, and agreed.

I took multiple pictures in portrait and landscape modes, each time coaching her for the “cutest” poses.

The queue was supportive of the revenge!

A few people behind us were gleefully watching over my shoulder as I either put my finger over her face or cut her head off of every single photo.

Middle-aged cat lady thanked me and left so she could check the photos away from the crowd.

We took our photos with the cat (they turned out great!), and as we walked away we saw the lady angrily scrolling through her photos.

HA! The lady asked for it!

The mascot’s allotted time was also up about that time, so she didn’t have a chance to go back and re-take her photos.

Why couldn’t the oldie just wait for her turn?!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This person knows what Japanese women are like!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person knows what to do if it happens again!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person shares what happened with them!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person would have gone an extra mile to be petty.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person loves this petty revenge story!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This mother has earned an applause from Reddit users!

You can’t be afraid to serve up just desserts.

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