Couple Lied To Their Taxi Driver And Accused Him Of Theft, So When They Left Their Phone In His Cab, He Made Sure They Never Got It Back
by Benjamin Cottrell
Driving a taxi on weekends runs the gamut of passengers ranging from various tippers to outright troublemakers.
This particular story is about the latter.
When this dishonest couple tricked a driver into a long, underpaid trip and accused him of stealing their phone, they unknowingly set themselves up for a fitting twist of fate.
Read on for the full story!
Oops. You shouldn’t have been a jerk who left your phone in my cab.
About six years ago, I worked for a few months as a taxi driver.
The most profitable time of the week were Friday and Saturday nights.
We would troll the bars and strip clubs and pick up people who had a few drinks and didn’t want to rusk a DUI.
It started out as a pretty profitable gig.
Most customers were good people, not falling down drunk and tipped well.
During var rush, I usually only agree to go to certain parts of town so I could get as many people as possible.
However, one couple stood out as particularly difficult.
This couple lied to me about where they lived by saying it was by a certain business.
Just a little further, just a little further.
They couldn’t keep the jig up much longer.
Finally, they admitted they lived in a rural area miles out of town. They lied because several taxis wouldn’t take them
I was halfway there at that point. If I turned around, I wouldn’t get paid so I finished the drive while the man ranted about how greedy we all were.
The driver was sorely disappointed when they finally arrived.
He tipped me $1, so instead of earning $60 that hour, I lost money.
Halfway back, I heard a phone ring on my taxi and decided to turn it into lost and found.
They could pick it up the next day.
Then he got a surprising phone call.
Then dispatch called, told me about the long litany of complaints this couple had made about my unprofessionalism and rudeness.
Everything dispatch said was fictitious and made up.
At the end, dispatch said, “They accused you of stealing their phone and insist you drive it back or they’re going to call the police.”
Then he suddenly had a change of heart.
I pretended to look around for it and said, “They were a couple of belligerent drunks. They probably left it in the bar. It’s not here.”
Dispatch believed me because they were belligerent to him and no one had ever complained about me.
RIP little phone. It got tossed when I cleaned up at the carwash.
This driver walked away with a small victory and a story to tell.
What did Reddit think?
A little niceness always goes a long way.
If they were going to lie, they could have at least made it up to him.
Well done, taxi driver.
This commenter had a bone to pick with taxi drivers.
No one’s perfect, but this couple’s dishonesty only led to their downfall.
Let this be a cautionary tale to all.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · lost phone, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, rude customers, rude people, taxi drivers, top

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